Straight Talk with Rebecca Zanetti

Please welcome author Rebecca Zanetti for a little bit of Straight Talk!


When you are getting ready to start a new book, what’s the first thing you do? 

The first thing I do is make sure I have enough comfy socks clean and by the computer.  Seriously.  I can’t write without comfy socks on.  Then I find possible pictures of the characters for that particular book and create a song playlist to use when writing that book.  Then I write chapter 1.

How do you celebrate when you finish writing a book?

Honestly?  I do laundry and try to get caught up.  J

Have you had any fun fan moments since you became a writer? 

I’ve had a couple of touching fan moments, and I’ve received some awesome fan letters.  One was from a female soldier living ‘downrange’ of Afghanistan, and I think that means she’s in danger.  She said that she and several other soldiers love my books and argue over who the sexiest hero is.  To think that one of my books took them away from the fact that they were being shot at…even for just a few moments…was amazing.  That just made my day.

If you could have dinner, coffee, or drinks with a fictional character, who would you choose and where would you go?

I would choose Dean Winchester from Supernatural, and frankly, I’d kidnap him and secure him in a secret location.  Or, if Dean was unavailable, I’d love to hang out with J.D. Robb’s Roarke from her Death series.  I’d probably kidnap him, too.

Do you usually begin a book with a character or a plot?

Character, character, character.

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Yes.  Write what you want to read, and don’t give up.  Never, ever, ever give up.  I read an interesting article one time where a celebrity photographer was interviewed.  He said that there are thousands of beautiful women in the world, and the ones who made it as models were the ones who showed up and jumped in the freezing water, regardless of being tired, having cramps, or being cold.  The ones who kept showing up made it.  I learned a lot from that article.  You want to make it as a writer?  Keep showing up.

What jobs have you had on your way to becoming a writer?

I’ve been an art curator, Senate aide, lawyer, hearing examiner, and a college professor.  I, ah, have a lot of interests.

Where does the magic happen?  Where do you write?

I write wherever I can.  I do have a home office and spend a lot of time there, but I also travel quite a bit now and write on the airplane.  Or at basketball games, softball practice, football meetings…my kids are busy, too.  In the summer, I write at the lake, and in the winter, I write on the ranch.



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Never challenge a cowboy in the courtroom…

Surveying the proposed site for a high-end golf course should have been a breeze for spunky Landscape Architect Sophie Smith. But when this born-and-bred city girl is suddenly—and quite literally—swept off her feet by a sexy cowboy on horseback, she realizes that the country life has some serious (and seriously steamy!) possibilities. That is, until she finds out exactly who her smokin’-hot wrangler really is.

Cowboy and Tribal lawyer Jake Lodge is desperately trying to block the development. And if that means playing hardball—and being every inch the shark lawyer—so be it. But Sophie is a distraction he didn’t expect. A distraction that makes his blood burn.

Two different worlds. Two opposing sides. And when they finally give into the exquisite temptation, the consequences will shake the foundations of both of their lives…


Title: Against the Wall (Maverick Montana, #1)
Author: Rebecca Zanetti
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: 287
Release Date: March 2013
ISBN: 978-1-62266-790-1
Imprint: Brazen

Against the Wall - Rebecca Zanetti

About Author

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