Author Interview with Jess Macallan

Please welcome Jess Macallan, author of Stone Cold Revenge, Book 2 of the Set In Stone series. Book 1, Stone Cold Seduction, is also available now as a hot new re-release from Entangled Edge!

headshot_jessmacallanHi and thanks for letting me visit today! I’m celebrating the release of Stone Cold Revenge, the second book in my Set In Stone series. I’m looking forward to giving you a little insight into my crazy life.

How do you celebrate when you finish writing a book?

I go on a reading binge. My TBR pile multiples when I’m not looking, so I always have at least 4 dozen books waiting for me. Diving in to someone else’s story is always a treat, and allows my creative brain to take a break. And I go to my favorite chocolate shop and splurge on a fancy chocolate bar. Dark chocolate with sea salt is one of my favorites.

Have you had any fun fan moments since you became a writer? 

I can’t say this is a fan moment, but I did a book signing close to the holidays and Santa was there. He wanted me to take a picture with him. I’m 99% sure he spiked his cocoa judging by his comments. I hope Mrs. Claus didn’t find out. Shortly thereafter, an Elvis impersonator serenaded me while I signed books. He also gave me his scarf. You’ll all be happy to know I didn’t give him my underwear. It was the craziest and most entertaining book signing I’ve ever been to.

If you could have dinner, coffee, or drinks with a fictional character, who would you choose and where would you go?

I’d go to a busy coffee shop with Jenks from Kim Harrison’s Rachel Morgan series. And I’d probably choke on coffee listening to his snarky comments about people as they came in. If we were lucky, we’d get attacked and he’d serve up a little butt-kicking with our side of coffee. That would be the best coffee date ever. It’s probably important to note while drinking coffee, my overactive imagination creates wild ideas for stealth ninja attacks and world domination. I’ll spare you the details, but Jenks would be the perfect cohort.

Do you have any hobbies or special interests you’d care to share?

I’m pretty awesome at origami. I finally had to hide my origami paper because my kids were constantly bugging me to make cranes, flowers, and boxes. I’m also a nutrition geek, and love to make new dishes, sans a recipe. It drives plotter-type people nuts, but following recipes isn’t nearly as much fun as throwing a little of this and that in a bowl and creating something (hopefully) delicious. It’s one of my favorite ways to relax, and my family gets to enjoy the results.

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Write as much as you can. Don’t give up and don’t compare yourself to other writers. Network and go to writing conferences. Join a professional writing organization, such as the RWA. Learn as much as you can, and constantly hone your craft and techniques. Most of all, don’t forget to read.

Who are your favorite authors? What authors have influenced your book?

I have more favorite authors than I can count, but a few I run out to buy on release day are Kim Harrison (yes, I’m obsessed with her characters), Maria Snyder—I LOVE her Study series and Glass series, and Maggie Stiefvater. If you haven’t read the Scorpio Races, you should.

I can’t say any particular author influenced my writing over another. I love reading, and have eclectic taste in books, fiction and non-fiction. I’ve never aspired to be like a certain author because they’ve cornered their market through hard work and talent and deserve to shine, but there are many I admire and enjoy greatly.

Are you a pantser or a plotter?

I’m a combo, so a plottser. I lean more toward pantsing, but usually after I get the first scene down (which is usually in the middle of the book), I stop to outline my characters and a few plot ideas. Plotting is way too much structure for me, but flying only by the seat of my pants doesn’t always work. Somewhere in the middle is my winning combo.

Aside from writing, what do you do in your free time? 

Free time? I thought that was a myth. Kidding aside, I spend most of my time trying to keep my 3 kids in line. I’m also working on my holistic health certification, teaching yoga, teaching writing classes, and volunteering. I’m lucky enough to volunteer in an elementary library a couple of days every week. I love talking to kids about reading. I’m currently reading a Patrick Carman book to my son’s 4th grade class. He still thinks it’s cool, even though my character voices leave a lot to be desired.

Do you prefer print books or eBooks?

Both. Nothing beats the feel and smell of a new book. Or an old book for that matter. But the convenience of an e-reader means I can travel with multiple books and I don’t throw my back out under the weight. However, when it comes to the shopping experience, I’ll always go with print books. I love browsing in book stores, much to my husband’s dismay. I never leave empty-handed.

Thanks again for having me on the blog today! I love chatting with readers. I hope you’ll all come find me at:

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Stone Cold Revenge

Set In Stone, Book 2


Forced by her maniacal father, the king of the shadow elves, to live in his house and train to become his heir, newly minted princess of the paranormal Elleodora Fredricks doesn’t think things could get much more complicated. On the outs with her gargoyle love interest, Jax, and confused about her relationship with her childhood sweetheart, MacLean the phoenix, Elle knows her fate decrees that her powers will manifest themselves in full on her twenty-eighth birthday, which is quickly approaching…

With help from two long-lost family members, some long-forgotten memories, and even her long-gone mother, Elle discovers there’s more to being part shadow elf than she ever knew. But will she be able to harness her unique abilities in time to take revenge on her enemies? For Elle, it’s all in a day’s work…

Title: Stone Cold Revenge (Set in Stone, Book Two)
Author: Jess Macallan
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Length: 266 pages
Release Date: January 2013
ISBN: 978-1-62266-871-1
Imprint: Entangled Edge


Follow Jess Macallan

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And don’t forget about the book that started it all…

Stone Cold Seduction

Set In Stone, Book 1


When a regular night of Robin Hoodery results in the manifestation of some, um, unusual paranormal abilities, perfume-maker Elleodora Fredricks realizes the normal world she lives in isn’t quite… normal. And neither is she, thanks to her father, king of the shadow elves. Not only is he evil incarnate and the reason Elle moonlights as a burglar-someone has to take care of all his victims-he’s stolen her memories.

And only reading her fate can fix that.

Good thing she’s got a trio of hotties willing to help her find said fate, but only if she gives them something in return. Saving her oracle BFF’s fiancee, falling in love with the gargoyle, and making up for breaking the phoenix’s heart ought to be a piece of cake for the princess of the shadow elves.

If only the king didn’t want his daughter dead…

Title: Stone Cold Seduction (Set in Stone, Book One)
Author: Jess Macallan
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Length: 254 pages
Release Date: January 2013
ISBN: 978-1-62266-870-0
Imprint: Entangled Edge


About Author

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