Breaking News: Former Harlequin Editor Alethea Spiridon-Hopson takes the helm of Indulgence

Entangled Publishing’s first category romance line, Indulgence, launched to great success in February with NYT best-selling author Lori Wilde at the helm as Editorial Director, however due to a phenomenal recent contract offer, she will be acceding her position to her Managing Editor. “Stepping down as the Editorial Director of Indulgence was a very difficult decision,” Lori says, “but in light of my recent significant deal with HarperCollins and the expectations that come with such a big career move, I simply could no longer do justice to both endeavors and I had to make a choice. While I learned a great deal and have a profound new respect for editors, writing is, and always will be, my first and last love. I leave Indulgence in the capable hands of Alethea Spirdon-Hopson. I completely believe in the vision of Entangled Publishing, and I wish the utmost success for everyone involved.”

“We are so proud of Lori,” says publisher Liz Pelletier.  “She did an amazing job as Editorial Director and helped launch what has proven to be a highly successful imprint of Entangled Publishing, with one of our first books reaching the coveted spot of number one best-selling book on Barnes and Noble in its first week of release. We are sad to see her go, but she’s an author, first and foremost, and we would never stand in the way of her continued success.”

Former Harlequin editor and managing editor of the Indulgence line, Alethea Spiridon-Hopson, has taken over as Editorial Director of Indulgence, as well as helming the newly announced Covet paranormal category romance imprint and the upcoming historical line. “This is the opportunity of a lifetime for me as an editor. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted, and I wake up every day thrilled to take on the challenges and joys that come with growing and developing category romance lines,” Alethea says. “Everything I have is being put into these lines, and I know we’re going to achieve great success and provide readers with many, many terrific books. Making readers happy and giving them a few hours of enjoyment is what it’s all about.”

Veteran Entangled editor Libby Murphy has joined the team as the new managing editor of the lines. “Alethea is a powerhouse, and we’re thrilled to continue to build on what we created with Lori’s help. Together with Libby, Alethea will continue to acquire the best in category romance and develop Indulgence into what we feel is going to be an amazing contemporary series line.”

See the Indulgence Submission Guidelines HERE

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