Six Sentences, by Shea Berkley

Shea Berkley’s Keepers of Life Trilogy features the engaging Dylan.

 “Reading Shea Berkley is like watching magic unfold before your eyes. THE MARKED SON is written with such intrigue and depth, I could not get enough of this delicious tale. I’m hopelessly lost and can hardly wait to see what jewels Berkley has in store for us next.”
~ Darynda Jones, author of First Grave on the Right

Check out these six sentences from book 2 in the series:

From The Lost Prince, by Shea Berkley

I wrestle Kera into the far corner of the couch, and with my body draped over hers, my fingers run up and down her sides, eliciting breathless giggles until she lets out a sharp scream. I cover her mouth with mine, muffling her laughter. All too quickly, the giggles subside, and the touch of our lips becomes a far more exciting kiss. I’ve never been able to resist kissing her, and now that we’re living in the same house, I’m finding it really hard to keep my hands and lips to myself.

“Dylan,” Grandma’s voice calls from the kitchen. “Get off that poor girl this minute and behave yourself.”





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