Tag: Heather McCollum

Keeping up with releases can be a daunting task, especially when authors are constantly knocking it out of the park. That’s why we want to make it a little bit easier for you. You’re never too late to the party–we just want to make sure you get there! So here…

  Stonehaven, Scotland Dunnottar Castle Being a Scottish historical romance author, I naturally dressed in one of my historical gowns to tour a 16th century castle, which was built on a site with an even older history. The fact that Dunnottar Castle is listed as one of the most haunted castles…

  While visiting north of Edinburgh, Scotland this past June, my husband and I traveled to the northeast coast to visit Pitsligo Castle ruin. The keep was built in1424 and modified in the 1570’s by the Forbes Clan. Exploring a well-maintained castle is fascinating and safe. Exploring a castle ruin,…

  After attending the RARE Edinburgh book signing, my husband and I journeyed north of the city to the tiny town of Auchenblae. During our week visit, we met a man, John, who raises Scottish Coos (Cows). His coos are raised to be shown in competitions, and Ilsa is his…