We all judge books by their covers—especially when said book cover is stunning.
Our Art Department here at Entangled regularly blows expectations out of the water when it comes to crafting that perfect cover—and we love to see that celebrated!
Recently, we’ve had two lovely call outs to their beautiful covers.
First, Elizabeth Turner Stokes’ cover for The Liar’s Crown by Abigail Owen was voted one of the weekly winners in February for the Creme de la Cover contest from InD’Tale Magazine—and went on to be voted the best cover of February! Way to go, ETS!
You can also read the full IND’tale review of The Liar’s Crown by Abigail Owen here.
NewPrint released an article noting the best book covers of 2022—and Bree Archer’s cover for Stealing Infinity by Alyson Noel hit number six! You can also check out what other books made the list.
What Entangled cover has caught your eye? Be sure to tell us your favourite!
Interested in finding out more about ETS’s work? Click here.
Interested in finding out more about Bree Archer’s work? Click here.
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