My Top Five Things to Do (when I’m not writing) – Natasha Moore

1. Spending time with my grandsons. At ages 9, 7, and 5, they wear me out sometimes, but I love them to pieces. I really miss them when we go south for the winter (yes, we’re snowbirds and live in our RV) but thank goodness for video chats!  This is our winter home.


2. Knitting. I taught myself how from YouTube videos. I don’t know if I’ll ever tackle the difficult projects, but I love to play with colors and textures. Those grandsons of mine are probably going to get tired of scarves from me, but getting into the rhythm of the stiches can be very meditative. Nothing too fancy, this is one of my first knitted scarves.


3. Reading. Of course, reading. I can never be without a book. Sometimes I have several going at once – one on my e-reader for when I’m home (often on my back porch swing,) one on my phone for when I’m out, and then an audio book for when I’m walking or knitting. I also knit and listen to audio books on my comfy swing too.


4. Walking. I live in a small lakeside community (yes, a village that resembles the Lakeside setting of my recent books – like Not Betting on Forever.) The beautiful water, gardens, and parks are a feast for the eyes as I stroll, and I often find ideas sparking, and even lines of dialogue flowing in my head. Thank goodness I can leave notes on my phone or I’d forget most of my brilliant ideas by the time I got home. This is my view on my morning walks.


5. Wine tastings. I’m lucky to live in western NY State where we have a long string of wineries along Lake Erie. It’s so much fun to spend an afternoon with friends, sampling the wide varieties of wines available, all within a 30 minute drive. I’m even luckier that one of our friends doesn’t drink wine and is always willing to be our DD. He says we are his entertainment for the day! Laughter is the name of the game! Cheers!







What’s the fun when you don’t bet to win?

Single mom Melanie Hayes should absolutely, completely, and totally not be attracted to her next door neighbor. Nick Campagna can be her friend, her secret crush, or just the arrogant —and unavoidably handsome—jerk next door, but nothing more. Because, even though it was a million years ago, he’s also her sister’s ex. And now, with Lakeside’s Battle of the Businesses in full swing, Nick’s also Melanie’s competition.

Their families have always been competitive, so it’s no surprise to anyone that Nick and Melanie are playing for more than just bragging rights. With a coveted piece of land on the line, Nick isn’t backing down. Maybe he can’t help noticing that the tomboy he knew as a kid has turned into a stunning redhead. Maybe he is attracted to Melanie. Ridiculously so. But as real as this feels, Nick knows this is one game he definitely can’t win.

They’ve known each other long enough that it’s definitely not love at first sight. But attraction can happen in an instant. And this is one wager where winning is nowhere near as fun as playing the game…





Natasha Moore fell in love with the written word as soon as she could read. She’s the author of more than twenty romances, and believes that stories of love and hope are important. Love can happen at any age and she often writes about vibrant and passionate characters finding love later in life. She’s a snowbird, spending the winters in sunny Florida, and the rest of the year in beautiful western New York with her real life hero who is happy to tell everyone that he’s her inspiration.

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