#TravelTuesday with Marisa Cleveland

Hello Everyone!


Thanks so much for finding me here! Right now, I’m so completely excited to share my #TRAVELTUESDAY techniques. Back in 2014, I embraced minimalism with moderation, and this changed the ease with which I travel.

So today, I’m sharing with you my 4 main techniques for traveling light.


Technique #1: Ditch the suitcase and find a comfortable backpack instead. I have one with several sections, which allows me to keep my electronics, clothing, and toiletries in separate compartments.


Technique #2: Roll your clothes. I roll everything. Anything that’s not wrinkle resistant gets a splash of water as soon as I check into the hotel room (or sent out for steaming). 


Technique #3: Ditch the individual make up tubes. There are tons of tutorials online for creating your own DIY travel tubes, and I prefer the disposable ones, although I’m looking into ways to reduce my trash while traveling, so if you have favorite travel palettes, please share them with me.


Technique #4: Wear one pair of shoes and pack one pair of flip flops. Right now, I’m in love with my Tieks for casual outings and dressier occasions, and I use the flip flops (mine are Croc sandals) around the hotel and for beach excursions.


I realize these are super specific to me, and they may not work for you, but I’m always super curious about how other people travel. Am I missing out on any fun travel tips or techniques? Please share! 


…and I love to connect with other readers, writers, and wanderers through social media. Please find me on Instagram (@thereisnobox) and Twitter (@marisacleveland).


If you’re in a sharing mood, please share your fun travel tip or technique on social media and tag me!







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Marisa Cleveland loves to laugh, hates to cry, and does both often while enjoying the journey one sunset at a time with her husband. Expressing herself through writing, music, and dance is her lifestyle, and as a former gymnast, cheerleader, and dancer, she understands the importance of balance and encourages everyone to stay flexible.







What happens when your next door neighbor is the hottest, most notorious playboy in all of South Beach?

Reece Rowe is on hiatus from respectability. Before she returns to her stable, boring existence of charity events and dating predictable, stuffy suitors who are only interested in getting closer to the wealthy family who adopted her, she’s going to get a taste of what she’s been missing. She screws up her courage and heads to Vincent Ferguson’s office to find out what all the women in South Beach already seem to know about him.

Once CEO Vin Ferguson’s tech company goes public, he’ll have proved he’s no longer the poor, gritty kid from the wrong side of the tracks. But, citing his bad boy reputation, some financial backers waver, and his friends suggest dating a more respectable woman to improve his image. Ridiculous. Because delectable but snooty socialites, like his next door neighbor, are way out of his league.

And then, Reese walks through his office door and makes him an offer. To say his jaw hits the floor is an understatement.

And he can’t believe what she just proposed…


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