St. Patrick’s Day Recipes Straight from the Murphy Brothers by Magan Vernon



Hi, y’all, Magan Vernon here, author of The Murphy Brothers series.

When writing books that take place in Ireland, not only did I get swept up in the scenery, but of course in all thing’s Irish food.

So, each brother does a little bit of cooking in their books from super simple to an all out feast. And what better way to celebrate the holiday than to share these recipes that you can make yourself this St. Patrick’s Day?

Even better if you could find a Murphy brother to cook it with you…or read the books and pretend they’re there. Either/Or.


Jack’s Toasted Cheese


I figured we should start with the simplest, but still a great Irish delight.

-Two sliced Irish brown bread

-1 Tbsp Kerrygold butter (you can use any butter, but you know…Irish)

– Two slices farmhouse cheddar cheese

*Spread butter on outside edge of both slices of bread.

*Sandwich cheese between two slices of bread.

* Toast in skillet for 2-4 minutes each side or until browned and cheese melted. Or, go really simple and melt in a panini or George Foreman grill.


Connor’s Celery Root Colcannon


This is more of a side dish that you can add with salmon, or your usual corned beef. We served it with pork chops and cabbage to celebrate the release of Straight Up Irish.

  • 1/14 lb celery root (or one big stalk)
  • 2 cloves peeled garlic
  • ½ cup milk
  • 2 Tablespoons butter cut into small pieces
  • 1 Tablespoon olive oil
  • 3 cups thinly sliced cabbage (I bought a package of coleslaw because Im a little lazy)
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ¼ tsp pepper
  • 1 Tbsp chopped parsley or chives
  • Bring a large saucepan of water to a boil, add celery root and garlic. Cook until tender (about 15 mins)
  • While celery root cooks, heat olive oil on a mediums skillet, add cabbage and sprinkle with salt. Cook stirring often until tender and light brown spots form. About 8-10 mins. Remove from heat and cover.
  • Transfer celery root and garlic to food processor, add salt, milk, butter, pepper and puree until smooth.
  • Scrape into large bowl and mix with cabbage and herbs.
  • Serve

Sean’s Apple Crumble


Who doesn’t love a man who brings dessert? I simplified the Irish recipe because Im a lover of the slow cooker, but it’s a great addition to your St. Patrick’s meal that you can put in the slow cooker, start it, and forget it until after dinner!


-1 box yellow cake mix

-20 oz ca apple pie filling

-6 Tablespoons of butter, melted

*Pour can of apple pie filling into bottom of slow cooker

*Spread yellow cake mix over filling

*Spoon melted butter onto cake mix (but do not stir or mix!)

*Cook on high for four hours or low for 8 hours

*Can add a scoop of vanilla ice cream or in Sean’s case, caife with whiskey ice cream.




Spend St. Patrick’s Day with the Murphy Brothers!






Magan Vernon has been living off of reader tears since she wrote her first short story in 2004. She now spends her time killing off fictional characters, pretending to plot while she really just watches Netflix, and she tries to do this all while her two young children run amok around her Texas ranch. Find her online at


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