Straight Talk with Carmen Falcone

It’s time for a bit of Straight Talkin’ with Carmen Falcone

When you are getting ready to start a new book, what’s the first thing you do? 

Write. Honestly, I don’t have a process. I’m usually inspired by a character, so I let the hero and heroine take me on a journey with them. I should stop and outline and do all the other things that are more efficient and less time consuming, but that’s what works for me.

How do you celebrate when you finish writing a book?

I scream “YES!” and treat myself to a sugary treat that makes me act all hyper and insane.

Have you had any fun fan moments since you became a writer? 

I always talk to this cashier at the supermarket. She knew about my book, and she kindly told a few customers. I was innocently in the checkout line yesterday and the cashier said to the person behind me, “That’s the one I told you about.” I turned around and saw this old lady, nicely dressed. I blushed; I was happy about the cashier’s efforts, but overwhelmed. The old lady winked at me and said, “I’m on chapter three. You know, when he shackles her,” and she winked. It was too cool.

Do you usually begin a book with a character or a plot?

A character. I need to care about someone to tell his or her story. I ask myself, “Why would I care about this character?” and take it from there.

Who would play your hero/heroine in the tv or film version of your book?

Caterina Scorsone would make a great Vivian. Caterina is beautiful, smart and she has that go-getter attitude. And Javier… [*sigh*] I would choose Javier Bardem to play him. Bardem is sexy, ruggedly handsome and not the typical Hollywood heartthrob. I didn’t have anyone in mind when I created Vivian and Javier, to be honest with you. But if I could choose, those two stars would be my dream team.

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Write as much as you can, share your work with others and try to learn as much as you can. Be humble. Start to make connections and build an online platform. Turn your dream into a plan.

Where does the magic happen? Where do you write?

I write in my home office, but a lot of times when I’m nowhere near a computer, pen or paper (like at the pool or inside a movie theater) I have great ideas that come to me. It’s frustrating and exciting.

Aside from writing, what do you do in your free time?

I work as an English-to-Portuguese translator during the day, I moonlight as a wife and a mother, and I’m owned by three pugs. I also love reading, spending time with friends and skydiving. (Not really about the skydiving part; I just wanted to sound cool.)

Do you prefer print books or eBooks?

eBooks. I love to be able to take them everywhere and start reading a new one at the touch of a button.

What’s in the works for you?

I’m just finishing a book about a feisty heroine who kidnaps the hero to prevent him from expelling a tribe of Brazilian Indians that are illegally occupying his land. Then I’ll get started on a lovely story of a spoiled, broke L.A. socialite and the rough Texan cowboy she gets mixed up with. Exciting stuff!

About Carmen Falcone

I’ve always been drawn to writing about fictional characters rather than doing anything else. When I was a kid, my passion for writing—which I didn’t fully understand or verbalize—often surpassed my burden to do math homework. I’d always dreamed of becoming a published writer, though life and its surprises often got in the way. I achieved a BA in tourism in my hometown in Brazil and then was invited for a trainee program in Austin, Texas.

Traveling, learning languages, and discovering new cultures have always been passions of mine. I’ve been blessed to visit beautiful places in South America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and North America, where I was able to meet amazing people along the way. I met a very incredible person, a Swiss EMS helicopter pilot, and married him.

A Brazilian and a Swiss met and fell in love in Texas. What are the odds? 😉 My fascination for international settings and strong-minded characters helped me to hone my craft and find my voice within the romance category. After my daughter was born, I revisited my dream of publication. This time, I was unwilling to give it up. With an ear to ear grin, I can say it was all worth it.

When I’m not writing, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, taking our three high-energy pugs to the park, and skydiving—well, not really, but I wanted to sound cool.

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About A Vengeful Affair

Rich people get away with murder every day, but Vivian Foster intends to make billionaire Javier Rivera pay for what he did to her best friend—and how better to destroy a money-grubbing bastard than to sabotage the merger that means everything to him.

Javier Rivera would never hurt a woman much less kill one. But when he catches a gorgeous corporate spy in his office, he knows he can’t let her go—not when even a hint of scandal could ruin his career. Until the merger is signed, he’ll keep her close, even if he has to shackle her to his wrist. Literally.

But the closer Javier gets to Vivian, the more he wants her, and the more time she spends with him, the less she believes he could ever be a killer. Now Vivian and Javier have to discover the truth…and Vivian has to win the trust of her worst enemy.


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