Why you shouldn’t invite a romantic comedy author to your holiday party…

During all of December we have some great romance steals for every type of reader.  We’re excited to welcome USA Today Bestselling author Tawna Fenske sharing why you shouldn’t invite a romantic comedy author to your holiday party and be sure to check out The Hook Up on sale for just 99¢!


Eight years ago, I attended my first white elephant gift exchange for the day job.

My debut romantic comedy hadn’t hit shelves yet, and since I was still new to the office, my colleagues hadn’t yet acclimated to my sense of humor.

As gifts were chosen and swapped, one in particular found its way into my hands. It was a handmade statuette lovingly crafted by the husband of one of the senior citizen volunteers. From the front, it looked like a woman wrapped in a cloak, deep in thought or rapture or some other transcendent emotion.


Problem was, I didn’t view it from the front. I grabbed it the other way, a reversal that transformed a serious work of art into something a bit more . . . phallic.


So that’s how I ended up gripping a dildo while rolling on the floor laughing at the office Christmas party.

And that’s why you shouldn’t invite me to any parties. Ever. Seriously.



The Hook Up by Tawna Fenske


On sale for 99¢!


Ellie Sanders is over the fairytale, thank you very much. Content with her booming career as a purveyor of Madame Butterfly pleasure aids, she doesn’t need a man for anything—except maybe marketing tips. And, okay, a few fun nights with something that doesn’t require batteries.

Love, marriage, and family aren’t in the cards for Tyler Hendrix. Period. The Navy helped Ty put his tumultuous childhood behind him, but when a sexy single mom walks through the First Impressions door looking to take her business to the next level, he feels his carefully constructed “never-get-attached” walls crack.

As Ty and Ellie maneuver through a minefield of wardrobe malfunctions, plumbing mishaps, and the world’s most awkward accidental dirty talk, discovering they have more in common than scorching sexual attraction threatens to crumble Ty’s walls for good…


Get Your Copy for Just 99¢!


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