5 Reasons To Love Having a Birthday Near Christmas

During all of December we have some great romance steals for every type of reader.  We’re excited to welcome Amy Andrews sharing why she loves having a birthday near Christmas and be sure to check out Playing Dirty on sale for just 99¢!


I'd love to celebrate your December birthday for a few minutes in between holiday parties.


Today is my birthday. It’s one of three birthday’s in December for my family. Hubby’s is the 4th and my daughter’s is the 31st – yes, a New Years Eve baby!

People are often horrified for me having a birthday so close to Christmas, worried about it being overshadowed or, worse, getting the dreaded “combined” present.

I’m happy to report my parents always made my birthday a very separate event with a separate party and separate presents so I never felt like my special day was being subsumed by that other bigger-than-Ben-Hur day.

The truth is, I love having a birthday close to Christmas and here are my top 5 reasons why!


  1. Everybody is happy! They smile at each other a little more and strangers wish each other Merry Christmas. There’s a real spirit in the air that is infectious!



  1. There’s a bazillion Christmas movies on the TV and me loves them, me does! I get to watch them (again!) with zero guilt





  1. Romanclandia catches Christmas fever which means So. Many. Christmas. Books. Woot!!



  1. There is always a party to go to!



  1. Snow!



Okay…it doesn’t snow where I’m from. It’s actually more like this –

Snowman on holidays made out of sand instead of snow. Concept could be used for Global Warming & Christmas Cards

But just knowing it’s snowing somewhere in the world on my birthday, makes me so very, very happy!

From my family to yours, the merriest of Christmases and Happy Holidays!


Playing Dirty by Amy Andrews

On sale for 99¢!


Sydney Smoke star recruit Kyle Leighton can’t believe the best sex of his life was just a one-night stand. He didn’t even know her name… Until she shows up at the locker room two weeks later and he connects the dots.

Val King. Oh shit.

Coach has one hard and fast rule: Never, ever date (much less f*ck ten ways to Sunday) his daughter. And not only did Kyle break that rule, but he wants to break it over and over again. In the shower. Against a wall. On every flat surface in his home.

But the coach and his daughter share more than just DNA. Their issues run deep and fooling around with her could widen the family chasm.

And get Kyle benched for life.

So why can’t he stop thinking about her? Flirting with her? Suggesting they date for real and damn the consequences?


Get Your Copy for Just 99¢!


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