Entangled Under the Mistletoe with Patricia A. Wolf

My name is Patricia A. Wolf. I am a contemporary and paranormal romance author and I simply love the Christmas season. I have some pretty wonderful childhood memories and now that I have a young daughter, I’m sharing my love of Christmas, décor, and music with her. She is amazing and loves everything down to the smallest detail. The best part is my daughter is a mini version of me. She loves the same colors of red, silver, and blue, winter and evergreen fragrances, and holiday décor—Christmas Villages. Sharing this with her makes for an even been Christmas experience. Enjoying the season with loved ones is what it’s all about.

Favorite Holiday Song:

All I Want For Christmas by Mariah Carey

Favorite Holiday Food:

How can anyone have just one? I’m a lover of pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread (with and without chocolate chips), banana bread, and date nut bread.

Favorite Holiday Movie:

Home Alone

Are you the type of person who on November 1st…thinks it’s time to break out the Christmas music or thinks It’s not even Thanksgiving yet folks!

On November 1st my radio was locked on to the stations Holly and Holiday Traditions on Sirus XM. I love the feeling I get when I hear Christmas music. The songs take me back to my childhood or even to more recent times with my own daughter. She and I belt out those songs like no one else is listening.

A side note: The best time to decorate for Christmas is the week of or before Thanksgiving. It’s the perfect time to show off all your holiday décor when your Thanksgiving guest arrive. Trust me they’ll be envious.

Are you one of those shoppers who has gone through your list and are done shopping well ahead of Christmas or are you elbowing people out of your way on Christmas Eve to finish your shopping?

Shopping is done as quickly as possible in my house. I want to be able to enjoy the rest of the holiday experience without being tackled by an overly excited shopper. I love going to the mall to check out the decorations and hear the music. I’m one to have Christmas shopping done before December 1st and wrapped soon after.

Looking for a great read this holiday season? Check out Christmas With a Bite by Patricia A. Wolf

Hero’s Name: Conner Reese

Heroine’s Name: Mara Livingston

What would the perfect gift your hero would give your heroine and why?

Conner would know the perfect gift for Mara without thinking twice. She’s an open book about the love she has for her family and how much she has missed them over the years. A family Christmas would mean the world to Mara, so Conner would arrange for her entire family to join them for a holiday vacation. Since they’re from Colorado, they’d need to go somewhere tropical. That could be tricky since Conner is a vampire, but he’d figure it out. He’d do anything to give Mara that best Christmas ever.

What would the perfect gift your heroine would give your hero and why?

Conner is all about solitude. He loves Mara’s family, but alone with Mara is where he prefers to be. His ideal gift would be easy as pie for Mara to figure out. Mara would plan a trip for the two of them to spend at their cabin, and once they arrived, she’d have him unwrap a cute little box with the sexiest, skimpiest lingerie inside, and then she’d let him put it on her and enjoy his gift for the duration of their getaway.

Sounds perfect!

Where would your hero or heroine secretly hang some mistletoe to catch an extra special holiday kiss and why?

Conner would hang mistletoe in every room in the house and he might even carry some in his pocket. A chance to kiss Mara, be close to her, is all a fated mate desires.

Share an excerpt of your favorite kissing scene between these two characters.

The front door opened and Conner appeared. He smiled at her as he entered, closing the door at his back. “You’re up,” he said, wiping off his boots on the doormat. “Looks like we’ve gone from a winter snow to a spring rain overnight. Got to love Texas. At least it’s not freezing rain.”

She smiled. “How are you this morning?” she asked, praying her brain would keep her questions more civilized and not rude.

“I’m good,” he said dryly. “I took the liberty of having your car filled with gas and brought up to the cabin.” He cocked his thumb up over his shoulder indicating that her vehicle was in the driveway. “The roads are clear enough to drive now. You’ll definitely need some repairs to fix the damage done to your passenger door.” He glanced down at her duffle bag and walked past her. “I was about to make some coffee. Would you like some before you go?”

Her mouth went dry. She had expected to be on her way, but hearing the words was still too difficult.

How could she possibly spend another second with him, knowing the uncomfortable feelings her presence caused? “No, I guess I should get a jump start on my trip.” She reached out her hand to him. “It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Conner.”

He glanced down at her outstretched hand and back up to her eyes. Then he shook her hand. She moved to grab her bag, but he had already swooped down to pick it up. Again, she marveled at his speed. He was impressively stealthy.

“I’ll carry it,” he said, opening the door for them.

She popped open the trunk and he tossed in the bag, closing it after he did. She nervously reached the door of the car, but as she placed her fingers on the handle, his hand covered hers.

Confusion and hope blanked her thoughts. “Conner,” she breathed, her heart racing.

He cupped her face in his hands just before his hungry mouth claimed hers. Her lips parted, inviting him in. She placed her arms around his neck, pulling herself as close to him as she could. His hands massaged her bottom, lifting her up so that her legs wrapped around his waist. He leaned them against the side of her car, pinning her to him as he ravished her mouth in a way that screamed possession. The heat of his kiss and the wildness of his touch were more tantalizing than she ever imagined.

“Mara,” he whispered, carefully nibbling the lobe of her ear, and dragging tender kisses along her cheek and jaw.

She shivered as his teeth scraped over her skin. The deep timbre of his voice as he pressed against her made her crazed with desire. “Yes,” she hissed, her fingers kneading the flesh through his thin shirt.

He growled and the fevered passion had her smiling. He was driving her wild, fiery heat swirling low in her belly. His strong hands roamed over her body, caressing her hips, waist, and breasts. She was melting against him, like butter in the sun.

She couldn’t take it anymore. She needed him, was desperate to have him. “Take me back inside,” she demanded. “I don’t want to leave yet.”

His mouth clamped onto hers, but the sound of someone clearing their throat broke their kiss. She glanced to the side to see a well-dressed man standing on his porch, his arms folded over his chest. Heat flooded her cheeks as the man’s glare settled on her.

Pick up Christmas With a Bite for just 99¢!

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