#IShipIt with Susan Meier



I have a lot of favorite couples. Let’s face it. I’m a romance novelist. I love love. You show me a story with a couple who truly falls madly, deeply in love and I get a box of tissues and cry with you. Because love is a beautiful thing.

But over the past few years I’ve really been enamored with Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler from The Big Bang theory.


Why? Good gracious, no woman since Carrie Bradshaw has waited so long for a guy to realize he was in love than Amy Farrah Fowler. But Carrie had an advantage over Amy. Big at least knew love existed. Sheldon was clueless.


First date…A fix up. At a coffee shop.



A billion skype calls rather than actual personal contact.


She joined in his activities, like Fun With Flags, easing her way into his life.


She kissed him.



But most of all, loving her opened him up to be loved. And isn’t that what real love is all about?


So my favorite couple is Shamy… Sheldon and Amy. <3














Grab Head Over Heels for the Boss by Susan Meier for only 99¢!

Fantasizing about the boss is one thing. Falling in love with him is quite another…

Isabelle Cooper’s in big, big trouble. Her flower shop? Well, it was just bought by the man she’s had a crush on forever. Her new boss, Devon Donovan, is a tall glass of melt-in-your-mouth hotness. The problem? Devon is definitely not interested in love. No ifs, ands, or buds about it.

Devon knows Isabelle has been crushing on him since college, but buying her business shouldn’t be a problem. Not only is she his employee, but as the eldest Donovan brother, he’s too busy protecting the family fortune for romance. But tomboy “Izzy” is all grown up now. And he’s finding it impossible to resist her, no matter how hard he tries…






A one-time legal secretary and director of a charitable foundation, Susan Meier found her own personal ‘bliss’ when she became a full-time novelist. She’s visited ski lodges and candy factories for “research” and works in her pajamas. But the real joy of her job is creating stories about women for women. In her sixty published novels, she’s tackled issues like infertility, losing a child and becoming widowed. Her favorite stories are those that inspire laughter through tears. Susan lives in western Pennsylvania with her own hero, their son and two fabulous felines, Sophia Maria Lolita Conchita Chiquita Banana and Fluffy.

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