#AuthorLife with Sonya Weiss



  1. We drink a gallon of caffeine while thinking about working on our book




  1. We answer as many important emails as we can while thinking about working on our book




  1. We hang out on social media for an “hour” while knowing we should be working on our book





  1. We consider clearing our browser history in case the research we had to do for our book brings the FBI to our front doors




  1. We finally open our manuscripts only to get writer’s block





  1. We go out grocery shopping in the hopes we can beat the writer’s block, and that one cashier who knows us by name asks if the writing’s going well




  1. We go back home with a renewed vigor and game face to beat the writer’s block





  1. We don’t leave our desk chairs (not even for chocolate) until we reach our daily word goal and can celebrate mission success








Get The Millionaire’s Temptation by Sonya Weiss, out now!






Holly Campbell is trying to turn her life around. But, to protect her younger brother, she has one last job to complete. All she needs to do is use her unique skills to break into the safe on a yacht—millionaire Jake Lawson’s yacht—a man Holly had a one-night stand with before she knew his true identity.

Jake knows Holly can’t be trusted. He believes she used the one night stand as a decoy to steal from his company and he knows she’s up to something again. Jake’s determined to figure out what and stop her. He won’t let her take anything from him, least of all his heart.






From the time she was a child, Sonya knew she was destined to be a writer. If she didn’t like the ending of a book or movie, she would write her own ending. When her children were young, she often wrote stories to entertain them. At the urging of one of her daughters, she submitted a short story and to her surprise and delight, it sold.  Sonya loves writing all things romance whether it’s writing contemporary adult or teen fiction and still hasn’t lost the wonder that she gets to do what she loves.   She enjoys reading, movies, chocolate, and laughter and credits her daughters as being the sweetest blessings in her life.

About Author

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