#IShipIt with A.J. Pine



Hi everyone! I’m so excited to talk about my longtime ship, especially now that the Gilmore Girls revival, A Year In the Life, has come and gone. I’m not going to spoil anything for those who haven’t watched yet (but omg It’s April already…get on that!). I’ll just say that after all seven season AND the revival, my Rory and Jess ship has not once changed. I was always #teamjess, will always be #teamjess, and no matter how that last episode ended…#TeamJess.



Why #TeamJess, you ask? Let me count the ways.




​To start…MILO.




​Then there’s the fact that Jess is a book lover just like all of us.




 ​Also, he stole Rory’s book…so he could annotate it! SWOON.




​Then, once Rory knows Jess is as big of a reader as she is, they have this flirty tease where she shows him a book but doesn’t let him read it yet. They flirt over literary fiction. I mean, COME ON. 




Then there’s this super sweet hug-walk-kiss.




​No YOU come here.




 ​I’m having a lot of feelings right now.




 ​And yeah, that epic first kiss? I saved that for last.




The way I see it, Jess was the guy who challenged Rory but who also pushed her to be her own person, to be the best version of herself, even in the revival. And their chemistry is just off the charts. Sorry #TeamDean and #TeamLogan. But my heart belongs to Jess. It’s Rory and Jess foreva for me. #IShipIt



​A teen librarian by day and a romance writer by night, A.J. Pine can’t seem to escape the world of fiction, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s the author of the If Only series (Entangled Embrace), the Only You series (Berkley/Intermix), the Kingston Ale House series (Entangled Select), and the upcoming Crossroads Vineyard series (Forever Romance). When she finds that 25th hour in the day, she might indulge in a tiny bit of TV where she nourishes her undying love of vampires, superheroes, and a certain high-functioning sociopath detective. She hails from the far off galaxy of the Chicago suburbs.




A.J.’s romantic comedy, THREE SIMPLE WORDS, is on sale now for only $.99!




She’s holding out for a happy ever after. I know where to find my happily ever after—between the pages of a romance novel. It’s why I sell books, why I blog about them, and why I’ll never get disappointed by love.

So what if my brother’s best friend from high school is now a bestselling author? Or that he just blew back into town on a Harley, filling out a pair of jeans like he never did before? Or that he’s agreed to do a signing at my bookstore on such short notice? Because despite all his adoring female fans, I kind of hated his book.

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