Pets of Entangled Staff Edition

National Pet Day

April 11th is National Pet Day and come on, whether furry or feathery, big or small, who can resist pets that never fail to bring a smile to your face? Meet some of the pets of Entangled staff members and we would love if you shared stories or photos of your pets with us in the comments.

Why are pets so great?

We make the lawn look good…Two girl dogs and two boy cats. They’re all a bunch of spoiled babies who just want to soak up love…and leave hair EVERYWHERE. Craziest thing they do? Lillie (the white GSD) loves to swim so much that any time she’s in the backyard for more than five minutes, she’s in the pool. ~Alycia Tornetta, Editorial Director

And we make sure there’s no funny business going on outside…

We make great babysitters…Here’s a fun one of my dog and my son from a while ago. They have had a love-hate relationship since birth. ~Stacy C. Abrams, Editorial Director

We keep you on your toes…This is Socrates, who looks very cute and adorable sitting here with his sweet little head tilted to the side but in reality has a penchant for blood. The little stinker can go from cuddly to having slightly vampiric tendencies in two seconds flat, but I love him anyway! ~Riki Cleveland, Publicist

No matter where you are in life one of us are bound to be the perfect fit…My daughter has been dying to have a pet but with our schedules it just seemed cruel to keep a dog or a cat. So enter…the EcoSphere. Yup, those tiny orange things are my daughters pet shrimp, probably the easiest pet to own ever. 🙂 ~Debbie Suzuki, Publicist

We make sure you stay on task at work while testing your vents & keeping the bed warm…Or so says Panther, Timmy, and Cheeto. ~Kaitlyn Osborn, Publicist

We provide utter cuteness no matter what we’re doing…Ixie (black & white tuxedo) – is 10 years old and ready to be an old lady. She’s very sweet (to me), but she’s kind of a neurotic mess. She likes: belly rubs, laser pointers and any light reflection, treats, sunshine. She does not like: taking her prozac, going anywhere at all ever, Gomez.

Gomez Cattams, Earl of Avondale (brown tabby) – is, at 9 months old, a teenager. He is aggressively affectionate and aggressively playful. He’s basically a sour patch kid. He likes: all the food, middle of the night head butts, hammocks, attacking my computer screen. He started doing this recently and it cracks us up: ~Holly Bryant-Simpson, Publicist
And best of all pets provide daily doses of cuteness and bring smiles to your face. 🙂



Don’t miss these books that feature guest appearances by awesome pets and those that love & care for them.

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