New Adult Book Boyfriends: Otherworldly Heroes

This week we are celebrating our favorite Book Boyfriends on Embrace.

Today the stars are shining on Aliens, Demons, Demon hunters, and all our otherworldly heroes!

Here’s what our authors have to say about their Otherworldly Heroes!


What is it about otherworldly heroes that make them so much hotter than other heroes?


Marnee Blake: Strength and confidence are sexy. When add the ability to do things normal people can’t do, it adds a special sauce to that allure.


Reese Monroe: They’re mysterious and powerful. Those I’ve read and write usually have one thing in mind: Protecting what’s theirs. Whether it be family or a mate, how they go about it is usually very blunt, but the intent is honorable. And when I see them in action, using whatever otherworldly power they have, it’s awesome and inspiring!


Jocelyn Adams: I love how unpredictable otherworldly heroes can be. They’re not bound to the laws of physics or limited by the human body, so there’s no telling what mischief they’ll get up to.


What kind of otherworldly hero – aliens, demons, demonslayers, vampires, etc – are the hottest? Why?


Marnee: All of the above? LOL! It depends on the specific hero. The hottest heroes are the ones that are fighting for good. As long as the otherworldly hero is opposing the bad guy, he’s my favorite kind.


Reese: Demons. I love a little darkness in my hero. The battles they face and choices they have to make are so conflicted because of the darkness that’s in them.


Jocelyn: Although I really enjoy writing new kinds of otherworldly heroes, like in the Mortal Machine world, I’ve always had a thing for vampires. There’s something romantic about them that’s hard to explain.


Fall in love with an otherworldly hero or two… or three! Embrace’s Out-of-this-World-hot Otherworldly books are on sale for 99¢ today only.




Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Hunter is a ruthless killer. And the Department of Defense has him firmly in their grasp, which usually doesn’t chafe too badly because he gets to kill bad guys. Most of the time he enjoys his job. That is, until he’s saddled with something he’s never had to do before: protect the human Serena Cross from his mortal enemy. Soon he’s doing the unthinkable breaking the rules he’s lived by. But are the aliens and the government the biggest threats to Serena’s life…or is it Hunter?








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Jax lost the genetic lottery. Descended from Cain, the world’s first murderer, he’s plagued by a curse that demands violence in exchange for his happiness. Samantha can’t outrun her problems. When an attack at school drives her back home, she’s thrown into the path of a past–and a guy–she’s been trying to forget. But someone–or,something–followed her home from school: a ruthless monster with a twisted plan centuries in the making. Forced together to survive, and fighting an attraction that could destroy them both, Jax and Sam must stop a killer bent on revenge.







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Descended from Cain, Jax Flynn is destined to spend his life making others suffer. To shield the world from horrific chaos, he was forced to sacrifice the only thing he loved. Samantha Merrick. When an enemy from the past resurfaces with an ultimatum—complete a simple task or Sam dies—they’re backed into a corner. The goal? Kill a demon called Malphi. The problem? Jax’s demon, Azirak, has no intention of letting that happen…








Released by Jus Accardo

Eternal Balance #3

Jax Flynn’s life just went from bad to worse. He was already sharing his body with a demon named Azirak, but after killing its mate… Well, shit got real. Now the demon has taken control of Jax’s body and everything he cares for is at stake, including Samantha, the girl he loves. Yeah, that’s not going to happen. It’s time Jax showed everyone what he was really made of.









Forged by Fate by Reese Monroe

Bound by Hades #1

He’s waited more than 900 years to love her…Being the Gatekeeper to Hades is no small feat, but Theo Bradford’s mark has finally surfaced on young genius, Sadie Nowland, and now he has to convince her to embrace her supernatural heritage. Targeted by a vicious demon escaped from Hades, Sadie is thrust into the volatile world of Shomrei warriors and a connection to Theo her brain can’t comprehend and her body can’t deny—a bond that just may be the key to the world’s survival.








Marked by Hades by Reese Monroe

Bound by Hades #2

For 911 years, Gatekeeper companion Justin Bradford has denied the possibility of being mated to only one woman. He enjoys them all too much to settle down. So when he feels his mate’s Ahavah mark surface, his first instinct is to ignore it. But when he sees the leather-clad beauty in need of his help that’s easier said than done. As Justin and Yvonne navigate the mystery of her past, their bond grows, but the secrets they discover and the sacrifices that must be made could be enough to rip them apart for eternity.








Claimed by Light by Reese Monroe

Bound by Hades #3

When his sister becomes tangled with a coven of demons, college senior Slade Bennet must trade his soul to save her. But first he must kill the assigned target: a sexually charged beauty who ignites his protective instinct. Halena Girard lives for only two things: vanquishing demons and seeking Artifacts rumored to lead to Lucifer’s downfall. That is, until she’s seduced and tortured by a…frat boy? Working together is the only way Slade can find his sister and Halena the

Artifacts, but as they face the darkest of evil, crushing Halena’s carefully erected walls might prove to be the most lethal battle for Slade.








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Altered #1

The sickness came on suddenly and violently. When it ended, the entire town of Glory seemed to be dead…except Blue Michaels. And she is very different. Only a handful of them made it, including U.S. Army Specialist Seth Campbell, who is fierce and protective, and way too good-looking. Now they are hunted. What their pursuers don’t know is each of them has strange new powers. And they’ll use their “gifts” to survive…no matter who stands in their way.








Avenged by Marnee Blake

Altered #2

Special-ops soldier Nick Degrassi blames himself for Kitty Laughton’s capture, and he’ll do whatever he can to free the quiet beauty, but close quarters and a shared secret bring an attraction that neither of them expected. With the organization that started it all making mercenaries for hire, Nick and Kitty must save themselves and stop a madman…before it’s too late.








Darkside Sun by Jocelyn Adams

Mortal Machine #1

Since she was six years old, Addison Beckett’s seen the world around her unraveling, as if someone is pulling a thread from a sweater and it’s all slowly coming undone. Her arrogant-but-

hot professor Asher Green insists that the dead from a parallel dimension are trying to possess the living in this one. And since Addison seems to be the only one who can see these “wraiths,”she just might be the key to saving the world. Stop the wraiths. Break the rules. Save the world. All in a day’s work. Normal was overrated, anyway.








Midnight Dawn by Jocelyn Adams

Mortal Machine #2

With only three days until the wraith king turns the earth into an all-you-can-eat buffet, Addison Beckett must enlist brooding sentinel Asher Green’s help. But Asher has erased her memory, along with the knowledge that he loves her, wants her, needs her. When Addison’s trapped by the wraith king, she must choose who will stand by her side during battle: the sentinel she loves who refuses to love her back, or a powerful stranger who insists they’re meant to be together. Her decision will decide the fate of humanity, and once determined, can’t be undone.








Forever Dusk by Jocelyn Adams

Mortal Machine #3

Life for the Mortal Machine—the secret-society that protects Earth from dark forces—has become almost…normal. For everyone but Addison. The evil she’s imprisoned in her soul is destroying her sanity. Consequently, nobody believes her warnings that an old enemy has returned. If she relies too much on her soul mate Asher, he’ll likely imprison her, if only to keep her safe. So she’s forced to distance herself from her love—to keep the world from certain death.











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