Behind the Book: The Billionaire’s Runaway Fiancée by Jenna Bayley-Burke



A Very Special Behind the Book Interview with Jenna Bayley-Burke

Describe yourself in five words.

Like one of those 6 word memoirs?

Always going for the joke.

I love to tell stories.

Fueled by wine and chocolate.


What is something people would be surprised to know about you?

I have social anxiety. I’m friendly and outgoing at conferences and such, but it takes so much effort I get exhausted and need a nap.


What is the best piece of advice you have ever received in your writing career?

Finish the damn book – Cherry Adair
What do you listen to while you write? Or do you prefer silence?

I like white noise while I’m working, usually waterfall or rain. When I need to focus I use binaural beats.


What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve looked up in the name of research – or what do you think the government has maybe flagged you for?

I’ve wanted to track my Google searches for a week, but then I forget. The last one I can think of – Sex on the Road to Hana.


What was your favorite part of writing THE BILLIONAIRE’S RUNAWAY FIANCÉE?

I loved being able to work in so many of my favorite decadent elements — alpha hero, billionaire, fairytale, fake engagement, friends to lovers, office romance, orphan, private island, runaway bride, tortured hero, ugly duckling, unrequited love. Writing about Curtis & Robyn was a joy every day.


Which actor/actress would you like to see your main characters from THE BILLIONAIRE’S RUNAWAY FIANCÉE?

Angelina Jolie for Robyn and country singer Josh Turner for Curtis.  Joe Manganiello for David.


What is an unknown fact or fun trivia about THE BILLIONAIRE’S RUNAWAY FIANCÉE?

I used an old JC Penney catalogue for inspiration for Robyn’s room. That’s why it’s a pink explosion.


What are you working on now?

I’m juggling a bit right now. Edits for the next Invested in Love book, writing a sexy Hawaiian story, and plotting my next Not My 1st Rodeo. I’ve also challenged myself to improve my online presence. Last month I reworked my website & blog. This month I’m going to focus on Facebook…



About the book:

Robyn Tindall’s new boss has a penchant for running off new personal assistants before lunch, but she’s not about to let herself be fired by the billionaire with a bad attitude, no matter how good he looks. She’s determined to be indispensible and unflappable, until he surprises her with a crazy proposal.

Curtis Frye is impressed with his new assistant’s dedication and decides she could be the answer to his publicity problems if only she’ll agree to marry him. It’s the perfect plan. He can offer her the world—everything he thinks a woman desires. But Robyn doesn’t want anything money can buy. She wants a happily ever after with a man who loves her. If only he can convince her love is off the table, not to mention convince his heart of that…

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About the author:

Jenna Bayley-Burke is known for her fun, sexy romance novels, baking banana bread and over-volunteering. She thinks she has the best jobs in the world—mother, wife and author. When she’s not lost in her latest story, she can be found pursuing whatever hobby her characters are enamored with—photography, yoga, shoes, gardening, crafts and cooking up a storm.

About Author

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