Finding the Para in the Normal with Dawn Chartier




His_Wicked_Desire_500Years ago when I was going through a rough period in my life my sister recommended that I read books to help me get through it. Don’t throw stones at me, but I wasn’t a reader at the time. I know. I know. That’s another long story. Anyway, I went through the bag of books she brought me, and for some reason I grabbed one book in particular. I can’t explain it, but something about this certain book called to me. The novel was called Forever and the Night by Linda Lael Miller.

There was something about her characters, Aidan and Neely. Vampire and mortal. The conflict between them, and their different worlds called to me, but above all that it was the romance that got me hungry for more paranormal romance novels. Now I read romance across the board, but paranormal still has a special place in my heart and always will.

When I started writing I knew I wanted to write romance (HEA’s), but I knew my stories had to have a touch of supernatural flowing through them too. I guess I owe my reading and writing addiction to my sister, and Linda Lael Miller. J

This week you can find my paranormal romance series and other Covet books on sale for Halloween.


Dawn is the author of the Vieux Carré Witch Sister series, Bewitching the Enemy, His Wicked Desire, and coming in 2016 Forever Charmed.

 Find purchase links to all of our Covet titles, on sale for just 99¢ this week only!

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