#IShipIt with Jessica Lee



Who can resist the powerful force that drives us to tune in each day, or every week, to our favorite shows to find out if this is the day. If this is the episode where he or she will FINALLY give in to desire and KISS each other? I know I can’t. I’m a complete sucker who sets the DVR each day, so I can binge on my favorite episodes after my work is done. I dying to see that perfect relationSHIP come together, and then, of course you know it’s coming, for the writers to rip them and my heart apart, over and over again. But we wouldn’t have it any other way, would we?

One of the weekly shows that keeps me coming back is Arrow. Oh my God, why can’t Felicity just accept Oliver, faults and all? They are so adorable together! He’s such a smoking hot badass, and she’s this adorable nerd who ANYONE can see is completely smitten with him. Uhm…does anyone say “smitten” anymore? *shrug* Anyway, smitten feels like the perfect word for how she looks at him.





Okay, I’ll admit I’m a longtime fan of Days of Our Lives. My mother watched it when I was growing up, and yes, she apparently hooked me too. I thought I’d never say this, but since a new actress is now playing the part of Abbie Donovan, I’m not feeling Chad Dimera and Abbie—or Chabbie, as I like to call them—anymore. Too much time has passed with Chad believing she was dead. Now I’m totally on board with Chad and Gabi Hernandez getting together. They have tremendous chemistry. But Chad and the new Abigail, not so much.



Who wasn’t obsessed with the push and pull of the chemistry between Qhuinn and Blay, or Quay, from JR Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series? For the longest time, Qhuinn refused to see what was right before his eyes, and we the readers were hanging on their every move and word. I loved their ship!

Was anyone as rabid of a fan for Torchwood on BBC like me? If so, then you know and love Captain Jack Harkness. Wasn’t the growing love between him and Ianto Jones crazy good? Now there was a ship that I was dying to see come together. I ate up the chemistry between those two like it was chocolate cake, and if you know me, you know I love me some chocolate cake.

Here’s a great collection of their moments together: Torchwood Jack/Ianto Kisses (HD)

I know similar videos have already existed, but I think they deserve a better quality video, which fits the play…

Chemisty. The big C. Isn’t that what’s it’s all about? That intangible force or spark, even in the pages of a book, we feel when two people click. And in Falling for the Player, chemistry is exactly what Max and Patrick have from the moment they first meet. The big C is almost impossible to ignore, and it keeps pulling Max and Patrick back in each other’s orbit.

They’re meant to be, if only Patrick would let go of his preconceived notions. If only he’d move past this image he has of himself as being a “grease monkey”, someone who doesn’t measure up to Max’s status. A couple with this kind of explosive chemistry can’t be wrong—even if their roots began on opposite sides of the track. What should their nickname be? Pax?



Bad boy and former NFL running back Patrick Guinness is tired of meaningless sex. Ever since his scorching hot one-night stand three years ago, no one has interested him. So when Max Segreti wanders into his mechanic shop—and his life again—Patrick can’t stop thinking about the totally-out-of-his-league law grad and the possibility of getting him out of his system once and for all…

Max Segreti has spent his entire life doing what his father wants. But when he runs into the hotter-than-hell player he’s never been able to forget, he’s not thinking about studying for the bar. A distraction is the last thing he needs, but after an encounter leaves him wanting more, Max embraces the chaos that Patrick brings…even as he knows it can’t last. They’re too different to ever have a future together.



jleeJessica Lee is an EPIC eBook Award winner and international bestselling author of paranormal romance. She lives in the southeastern United States with her husband and son. In her former life, Jessica was a science geek and spent over twenty-five years as a nurse. But after the birth of her son, she left her medical career behind. During that transition, she discovered her passion for writing romance and has never looked back. Jessica Lee is currently publ

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