Holiday Recipes: Brigadeiro with Carmen Falcone!


‘Tis the season for some brigadeiro with Carmen Falcone!

When I heard picture1we could share Holiday recipes, I immediately remembered my favorite one growing up in Brazil: brigadeiro.

Brigadeiro is a delicious sweet often served at birthday parties, celebrations or you can make it at home and eat it just because. I always made a point to ask my mom to make it during the holiday parties because as a child I wanted something simple and yummy—not those elaborated cakes and stuff. Yes, I was a fussy child.

I’ve made it for a couple of American friends and they absolutely loved it. Warning: if you’re on the healthy side, you may want to hit the gym afterwards. LOL. But hey it’s the holidays, food is supposed to be fattening and fabulous right? We’ll worry about calories when it’s time for New Year’s resolutions. Until then we’re good…

So! To make things even easier (the pragmatic in me), I’m actually posting a link to Youtube where you can watch in a few minutes and feel compelled to make one yourself. C’mon guys. Just think how cool it’ll be to bring some international flavor to your office party!


Oh by the way if you’re into Brazilian yummy things, check out Leonardo Duarte, my hero from Brazilian Revenge, on sale today for just 99¢!

Don’t miss Entangled’s 25 Days of Holiday Steals, happening now! We’re celebrating a different book each day, from now until December 25th, and each book will be on sale for just 99¢ on their dedicated spotlight day! So join in the festivities, and help us celebrate all month-long!


**On sale today for just 99¢!**


About Brazilian Revenge:

Losing his heart wasn’t part of the plan…

Human rights lawyer Leonardo Duarte wants to destroy Satyanna Darling, the woman who disappeared after a weekend of earth shattering sex…along with his priceless sculpture. But when he finds her in a Brazilian prison a year later he realizes she didn’t act alone and blackmails her into helping him find the man behind the theft.

Satyanna wants to return to the US and stay out of prison, but she knows Leonardo won’t let her, unless she takes him to the man who really stole from him. As they embark on a cat and mouse game to find the man with all the answers, dodging their attraction to each other becomes even more difficult. But even while things heat up between them, secrets and mistrust threaten everything.

Find it online:

Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo | Goodreads


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