Meet the Authors: Summer Bucket Lists

Summer is the time to have fun, chase dreams, and pretend that responsibilites and deadlines don’t exist. So with that in mind, we asked our authors what bucket list item they’re hoping to tackle this summer. Read on for their answers!

Cindi Madsen

Beach vacation with my family. Maybe that’s cheating, since I’ve already scheduled it, but I’ve been counting down the days for months.


Alice Gaines

Take a cruise but realistically, I probably won’t do this for another year and a half.

Cole Gibsen

I’m a recent cycling enthusiast, so my goal is to be able to bike 30 miles in one stretch by the end of the summer.



Kerri Carpenter

All of them because I’m the most impatient person on the planet. But I think I’d like to try parasailing first. I’m heading to a beach vacation in North Carolina later this summer so I may get my shot at it.

Shae Ross

I’d like to hit the road with my mom and Aunt and attend Michigan’s largest yard sale. It stretches 180 miles across the state from New Buffalo to Detroit. I’ve never made it to the annual event but I’ve got a good feeling, this could be the year. Wish me luck!


Kira Archer

In an ideal world I’d be wandering among the stone circles and castles in Scotland this summer. Won’t happen (unless I win the lotto…fingers crossed!). But ohhhh I’d so love to check that one off the list 😀

Have you already knocked some of these items off of your bucket list? What else is on your list? Inquiring minds want to know!

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