New Year’s Resolutions with Entangled



Top New Year's Resolutions with


Happy New Year!


Today we are sharing our top New Year’s resolutions.


Check out some from our staff and let us know your resolutions in the comments!



image1Jessica Turner: Executive Marketing & Publicity Director
I want 2016 to be the year of movies for me.  On a recent work trip with our publisher, she was talking about all these great movies, and I had nothin’.  She was kind enough to rewatch some required releases with me (Thor, The Avengers 1 & 2) so I’m catchin’ up!






theresa coleTheresa Cole: Editor 

I’m absolutely horrible with resolutions, so I normally don’t make any. I will say that I hope to use the treadmill more and grow my list of authors. (So send me your kick@ss submissions! *wink*)



heather 1Heather Riccio: Assistant Publisher

Write more! I will do it if it’s the last thing I do!








398805_10151576269044772_1055816884_nJenn Mishler: Editor 

Eat at a new restaurant once a month!





Headshot JPEGSuzanne Evans: Associate Editor

I might try waking up before noon on weekends. Maybe.








Becky Conrad-Brown: Publicist for Entangled Select Historical & Scandalous

Saving up enough money to go to Germany with my family.






rikiRiki Cleveland: Publicist Indulgence and Select Contemporary

To query my Young Adult novel! It’s written. It’s revised. It’s ready. No more excuses- it’s time to send that baby out!








Share your New Year’s resolutions with us in the comments below!



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