Avast, me hearties! It’s National Talk Like a Pirate Day

Arrr! Who doesn’t love pirates? Tomorrow is National Talk Like a Pirate Day so why not settle down with a cup of grog and enjoy the beauty of a pirate romance?  But first! A pirate pick up line courtesy of TalkLikeaPirate.com:

Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?

Har, har.  For more pirate pickup lines go to TalkLikeaPirate.com.


His Pirate Seductress by Tamara Hughes

With her son’s life in the balance, Catherine Fry is forced to locate and steal the priceless Ruby Cross of the Knights Templar. She knows who has it—it’s just a matter of coercing Thomas Glanville, the handsome and incredibly stubborn captain of the ship she’s captured, into telling her the exact location. Fortunately, Catherine knows that there are many ways to get a man to talk. But Catherine has no idea who she’s dealing with…and Thomas has his own means of charming a woman into his mercy and his bed.

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A Pirate's Command by Meg HennessyColette Kincaid once knew such love and delicious passion in the arms of her pirate husband, Donato de la Roche. Yet it was life she would flee, taking their son with her…until their son is taken. Caught in a web of suspicion and helpless longing, they’re unable to leave each other’s side as they seek their child. But soon Donato must face the secret about Colette he’s been hiding for so long. And it’s a secret for which there is no forgiveness… 

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Beauty's Curse by Tamara HughesAmelia Archer is cursed with extraordinary bad luck. Fed up, her harried father ships her off to the Colonies to live with her aunt. But wherever Amelia goes, bad luck is sure to follow. When she’s pulled from her sinking vessel, Pirate David Lamont is taken with the lovely young Englishwoman, and defends and claims her for himself. But as much as she longs for him, Amelia cannot allow a romance. For a lady of misfortune can only bring ruin to those she loves… 

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Charity Goswick thinks she is escaping an arranged marriage to a brute when she slips onto a ship unnoticed. Little does she realize that it’s a pirate ship. Now she has been locked in the cabin of a handsome rake of a pirate who sparks the most unladylike feelings within her. But as violence and danger mount on the high seas, Charity will have to put all of her trust in the most untrustworthy of men…a pirate.

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Falling for the Pirate by Amber Lin

London, 1820

Juliana Hargate is the daughter of Captain Nate Bowen’s enemy. Nate vowed he would have his revenge, but he never expected to have the tool of his revenge to be so desirable. And at his complete mercy…

Captive. Juliana is imprisoned by a tall, imposing, and entirely unscrupulous pirate. A pirate whose eyes seem to look past her skirts and many petticoats, and whose touch sends delicious ripples of desire through her. With every passing day, she finds herself tempted to give him the very thing he’s determined to take…

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dark-secrets-deep-bayous-500Jordan Kincaid must marry the Creole beauty Aurélie Fento not or face arrest as a pirate. Aurélie, a wealthy woman of mixed blood, carries the burden of breaking a curse on the land of her ancestors. But Jordan’s dark secrets will threaten Aurélie’s plans and could shatter her heart. While he’ll risk everything for revenge, Aurèlie’s soothing and seductive ways remind him there’s more to life than vengeance. As Aurèlie learns that Jordan is not as he pretends and when danger closes in on them, Jordan soon learns that Aurèlie has secrets of her own.

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Jonet Montgomery has longed for a chivalrous knight her whole young life. Instead she found herself wed to a scoundrel and left a widow. When a lusty, silver-tongued rogue steals a kiss and opens a crack in her routine life, she’s tempted by his offer to taste adventure of the most pleasurable kind. Will’s heart of gold shines through despite his infamous past. But is Jonet enough woman to keep this sexy pirate from straying? With past embarrassments haunting her, she risks more than just her reputation this time. She risks her heart.

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Heather-McCollumn_TangledHearts_Front-CoverHighland warrior Ewan Brody always wanted a sweet, uncomplicated woman by his side, but he can’t fight his attraction to the beautiful enchantress who’s stumbled into his life. He quickly learns, though, that Pandora Wyatt is not only a witch, but also a pirate and possibly a traitor’s daughter—and though she’s tricked him into playing her husband at King Henry’s court, he’s falling hard. As they discover dark secrets leading to the real traitor of the Tudor court, Ewan and Pandora must uncover the truth before they lose more than just their hearts.

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Arrr…be off with ye to happy reading

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