Final Round March Madness – Jackson vs Drake

Winner: Jackson


Full Bracket Here


Jackson vs Drake
Final Round


Thank you to RhiReading & Talking Books for their continued support of these two fine men!
Vote via rafflecopter below

Hello everyone and welcome to the final round! They’ve battled hard, and here’s our last two survivors and why you should vote for them. Plus, we’ve got a pretty fabulous giveaway as incentive. May the best man win!


In recap: why you should vote for Jackson:

Why RhiReading thinks Jackson is the Ultimate Hero
Top 5 Reasons Why Author Kelly Moran thinks Jackson is the Ultimate Hero
Jackson Swoony Except

Find out more about Jackson Granger in Ghost of a Promise by Kelly Moran


In recap: why you should vote for Drake:

Why Talking Books thinks Drake is the Ultimate Hero
Top 5 Reasons Why Author Callie Hutton thinks Drake is the Ultimate Hero
Drake Swoony Except

Find out more about Drake – The Duke Of Manchester in The Duke’s Quandary by Callie Hutton

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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