Men of the Zodiac – The Irresistible Gemini Man


Gemini May 21 to June 21

Accountability and commitment are at hand. This time in your life is shaping up to bring inner personal growth. Your emotions are at the forefront. This is going to bring relationship changes. But have no fear, there is plenty of opportunity for satisfying rewards.

The Irresistible Gemini Man 

Restless, passionate, and sexy, the Gemini man is irresistible. An insightful thinker, he can accomplish anything that he attempts. He’s not afraid to fight for what he wants and won’t give up until he achieves success.

He’s bold, likes adventure, has plenty of interests, and his mind is one of his best assets. He’s quick-witted, a great conversationalist, and can often see things that others can’t. Because he likes his freedom, he can appear to be emotionally distant at times. He’ll fight against falling in love, but when he does fall, he loves with everything in him.

In a relationship, a Gemini man looks below the surface. Beauty doesn’t impress him nearly as much as a sharp mind. He craves conversation and wants a woman who’s not afraid to try new things.

The downside to a Gemini man is that he can be strongly opinionated. He’s often difficult to get to know because as part of his sign’s nature, he can present two sides of himself. He can be charming, but he can also be dark and magnetic.

Power Color: Yellow

Power Element: Air

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Power Gem: Agate

Power Play: Talking stimulates a Gemini man, especially in the bedroom. Throw in a dash of adventure and variety and you’ll certainly have his attention!

Power Trait: Persuasive. A Gemini man is gifted with the power of persuasion and can talk you into anything.


You Won’t Be Able To Resist This Gemini

  There are two sides to every Gemini guy…and one of them is red-hot.

Olivia Carter has a handsome, millionaire boyfriend. She’s madly in love with him. The hitch? He doesn’t actually exist. With both her reputation and career in jeopardy, Olivia is desperate enough to do almost anything. Which is exactlywhat millionaire Mason Parker wants. Olivia and her father put Mason through hell, and now it’s time for a little payback—starting with the announcement that he’s her one and only. But none of his plans for vengeance included falling in love with the woman he planned to ruin.

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