Reid vs Cole – Round 1 Match 1 March Madness

Winner: Reid

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Reid vs Cole
Round 1 Match 1


Thank you to The Hopeless Reader & Pretty Little Pages for championing these two fine men!
Vote via rafflecopter below


Why you should vote for Reid

Anomaly-500pxNow, it is time to meet my hero! Meet Reid Wentworth from Anomaly by Tonya Kuper.

He is smart, attractive, protective, funny, and he has special powers. What isn’t to love?!

I instantly knew I would love him when he made his entrance in Anomaly. It went a little something like this…

“Another bike rolled up between the red one and the curb. A black crotch rocket. Black helmet and black tee on a whole lotta muscle.”

Oh my. *fans self* As if the fact that he rides a motorcycle isn’t enough, he has semi-long dark hair, blue eyes, and a tattoo. Hallelujah for fictional boys, am I right?

Not only is he attractive, but he is also protective of Josie, the heroine in Anomaly.

“No way would I let Santos hit on her, let alone sleep with her. I wouldn’t let anyone touch her.”

Ah, you have to love a protective alpha male.

To top it off, he is really playful with Josie. He can joke around and not feel stupid for doing so. Here is an example:

“What would you dress me as, Reid?”

A grin spread across his face, slow and mischievous.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.”

Reid Wentworth, you cheeky lad. Let’s see what else he can come up with.

“Well, you certainly stun. You’re the only person who can make nerdy look so sexy.”

*Commences trying to make nerdy look sexy*

Reid is the perfect blend of playful, sincere, protective, and funny. He is never over the top, and he is a character that you cannot help but love from the start. He is definitely a hero worth fighting for, don’t you agree?

Be sure to vote for Reid Wentworth via the rafflecopter giveaway down below for something special!


Championed by The Hopeless Reader


Find out more about Reid Wentworth in Anomaly by Tonya Kuper


Why you should vote for Cole

DOH500x750Looking for reasons why you should vote for Cole?

1. He’s the guy you want with you when zombies come knocking.

2. He’s got that sweet southern drawl.

3. He’ll risk HIS life to save YOUR life!

4. Cole is a guilt free book boyfriend because he’s so compassionate.

5. He’s a young Daryl Dixon, but cleaner!

6. You can steal his plaid shirts to wear in the morning while he makes breakfast for you.

7. You’ll never have to worry about crazy exes, because he’ll always pick you.

8. Did I mention he can kill a zombie in two seconds and still look hot while doing it?

9. With Cole, you’ll always be his first priority!

Picture #1

As if that didn’t convince you, here’s how I picture Cole!

Picture #2

Picture #3


Championed by Pretty Little Pages


Find out more about Cole in Dead Over Heels by Alison Kemper

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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