Hi Everyone, hope you’re all having a fabulous Christmas. I’m Nina Croft. I’m English but I now live on an almond farm in the mountains of Southern Spain where I write all sorts of romance, including my latest release, Taking Control, for the Entangled Brazen line.
Favorite Holiday Song: Little Drummer Boy by David Bowie and Bing Crosbie
Favorite Holiday Food: Stilton
What’s your favorite thing about the winter holiday season?
Snow. We don’t often get snow here because we’re quite far south, but we are high up on a mountain, so occasionally we’ll get a snow storm and it’s absolutely beautiful.
What’s your least favorite thing about the winter holiday season?
Feeling like I’ve eaten too much and might never recover because I have to do it again tomorrow!
About Taking Control
Heroine’s Name: Jessica Bauer
What would the perfect gift your hero would give your heroine and why?
A voucher for the tattoo parlor – so she can finally have the “Declan is a Prick” she has tattooed on her ass removed or changed to something more acceptable, maybe – “Declan has a Big Prick”!
What would the perfect gift your heroine would give your hero and why?
A black leather Jacket to go with the Harley she got him for his birthday.
Where would your hero or heroine secretly hang some mistletoe to catch an extra special holiday kiss and why?
They’re travelling at the moment, so she’d just keep it in her pocket and hang it whichever hotel room they stop at for the night
Share an excerpt of your favorite kissing scene between these two characters.
His lips were warm and firm and his tongue tasted of scotch, the flavor intoxicating, as he pushed inside, filling her. His kiss deepened, hot and wet and hard. One hand was still at her nape, the other wrapped around her, cupping her ass, pulling her against his hard length so she was aware of him against her breasts, her belly, her hips. Heat shot through her, thrills shivering along her nerves, pooling in her sex, taking her back to those long ago days, when she’d loved him and he’d taken everything she had to give and then dumped her when daddy told him to.
How dare he? How the hell fucking dare he kiss her? And not just kiss her, but kiss her like he fucking cared. Like she was the only woman in the goddamn world. He had always made her feel like that. No other man had come close.
And she hated it. She could feel herself spiraling out of control, the old feelings building inside her. All mixed in with an almost overwhelming need, to have him inside her just one more time. Have that hard body on her, in her.
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