Under the Mistletoe with Dawn Chartier

Under Mistletoe

I’m Dawn Chartier and I’m so excited to be here. I hope everyone’s holiday has been a good one, and that the new year will be even better. So who am I? Well, I was born in New Orleans and I still live close by. My first full length novel (Bewitching the Enemy) was just released in October, and I have two more in the paranormal romance series coming in 2015. I’m a huge fan of Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Arrow and Hell On Wheels. And in January I start a new project of renovating a double (shotgun) house in New Orleans and I can’t wait to get started. I love renovating and decorating, making things look new again.

So what is new for you in 2015? Any goals or projects?

Happy Holidays!

Favorite Holiday Song: White Christmas (because in NOLA I can only remember it snowing once for Christmas)

Favorite Holiday Food: All of it! LOL Okay, I’ll narrow it down. Anything chocolate.

What’s your favorite thing about the winter holiday season?

My favorite is getting together with family and friends. And I love the holiday spirit you feel when you are out and about. I love Christmas decorations. All those lights and the creativity that some people go through to make their house a Christmas Wonderland. We normally create a huge Christmas town on our formal table and I love having my daughters decorate it with me.

What’s your least favorite thing about the winter holiday season?

Shopping. Ugh. I’m not a shopper to begin with, so this is double the UGH for me. LOL
I don’t mind wrapping, but I’m always doing it at the last minute and that stresses me out some too.

About Bewitching the Enemy (Book 1)

Hero’s Name: Dr. Nathan (Nate) Davis

Heroine’s Name: Storm Morgeaux

What would the perfect gift your hero would give your heroine and why?

He would get her a watch, because she is always running a few minutes late. But if he were honest with himself he would probably run to VS and get her something very elegant, because he likes to see her in something soft every now and then. She’s a jeans kinda girl, so she wouldn’t buy that for herself.

What would the perfect gift your heroine would give your hero and why?

Being that the novel takes place around Christmas time the heroine did buy the hero a gift. The hero has a turtle and Storm thought that his turtle needed a girlfriend so for Christmas she bought him another turtle. So the present was really for his turtle. 🙂 This was Nate’s very first Christmas gift from someone.

Where would your hero or heroine secretly hang some mistletoe to catch an extra special holiday kiss and why?

Nate said it would have to be in his house, because her house is way to busy for him to get any alone time with her. Someone is always knocking on her darn door.

Share an excerpt of your favorite kissing scene between these two characters.

If her pulse was any indication, yes she sure as hell
did. “Still debating.” Definitely good. The only thing she
understood right then was that she wanted him to keep
touching her. Was it the scrubs? No. She hated scrubs. Yet
his fit in all the right places. There was something more, but
she couldn’t put her finger on it.

“I’m up for a debate.” His warm breath brushed her
cheek, causing her hair to flutter across her face. “Let’s
go in my bedroom and discuss this. Unless you want to
do something more—right here.” Then he slid his hands
leisurely around her neck.

Storm’s mind fell in a trance, while her body sparked to
life. “Yes.” Her eyes closed. Wait. What had he said? What
did she say? Her eyes flew open. “I mean—”

Nate silenced her. Crushing his mouth to hers. She froze
as soft, warm lips pressed hungrily against hers. He nipped
her lip, and her pulse pounded like a jackhammer. And his
scent of—she wasn’t sure, maybe just pure sexy man hit her,
knocking her senses out the park. She plunged her fingers
through his hair.

(I had to delete the next sentence — Too hot!!! LOL)



Find out more about Bewitching the Enemy (Book 1)

About Author

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