Under the Mistletoe with Talia Hunter

Under Mistletoe
Hi I’m Talia Hunter. I live in New Zealand, and down here in the Southern Hemisphere we celebrate the holiday season a little differently. We enjoy sunshine rather than snow, and Santa is more likely to be wearing board shorts than fur-lined trousers.

I like to spend my holidays at the beach, preferably with a romance novel in one hand and a cocktail in the other. And even though it’s hot and sunny, I still love to indulge in a traditional big holiday meal with all the trimmings. What can I say – it’s the best of both worlds!

Favorite Holiday Song: Santa Baby by Kylie Minogue

Favorite Holiday Food: Champagne on Christmas morning

What’s your favorite thing about the winter holiday season?

Getting to relax, and not caring when I over-indulge. December is the time to eat, drink, and get merry. January is the time for healthy food and a new gym subscription!

What’s your least favorite thing about the winter holiday season?

Shopping! It’s one of those jobs I’m always in denial about, telling myself I still have plenty of time and don’t need to worry about yet. So every year I leave it to the last possible moment and have to fight the crowds on Christmas Eve to snatch up the last dregs of whatever is left in the stores.

About Her Hot Number

Hero’s Name: Blake Samson

Heroine’s Name: Caylee Reynolds

What would the perfect gift your hero would give your heroine and why?

Caylee is a very practical person and it’s not part of her nature to splash out on frivolous things. That’s why Blake would make sure her gift was something that would make her feel totally spoiled. For their first Christmas together he would give her diamonds, because gorgeous jewellery is something she wouldn’t buy for herself.

What would the perfect gift your heroine would give your hero and why?

The best gift Caylee could give Blake would be a perfect family Christmas, just like he used to have when he young and used to go to her house for Christmas. Her house was the only place he ever felt safe and happy as a child. Getting to experience that sense of closeness and belonging again as an adult would touch him more than ever gift ever could.

Where would your hero or heroine secretly hang some mistletoe to catch an extra special holiday kiss and why?

When they spend Christmas with Caylee’s family, Blake would hang a piece of mistletoe over the study desk in her old bedroom, because watching her study at that desk is his most treasured memory from childhood. He first fell in love with her when she was sitting at that desk with her brow furrowed in concentration, too engrossed in her homework to notice he was drawing rude pictures in her schoolbooks.

Share an excerpt of your favorite kissing scene between these two characters.

When his mouth finally crushed against hers, Caylee closed her eyes, the sensation of his lips so powerful it felt as though she were melting into him. Her legs were so weak it was only the pressure of his arms around her that held her up. He kissed her tenderly, gently, and she kissed him back hungrily, entwining her tongue in his. When he felt her response, Blake groaned softly into her mouth, answering her passion with a hunger of his own. His hardness pressed into her body. His need for her, his wanting, was obvious.



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