New Releases October 13th


The Sins of a Few

by Sarah Ballance

The moment he returns to his hometown, Nathanial Abbot knows Salem has changed. It’s dark with discord and suspicion… and accusations of witchcraft. Now all that remains for him is the woman he’s never forgotten. But Faith Downing isn’t happy to see Nathanial. His younger sisters have been the source of many deaths, including her aunt’s. And yet Faith still responds to the man Nathanial has become, kindling something in her that speaks of sin. But in the darkness of Salem, evil still lives…


The Love Match

by Lily Maxton

Olivia Middleton prefers gothic novels to hunting for a husband. Only the charming and infuriating Mr. William Cross (a rake in the making, and certainly not a suitable husband) holds the slightest fascination for her. After watching his father die of a broken heart, William has sworn never to wed for a love match. Yet he’s intrigued by the bookish Olivia. And though he tries, staying away from her turns out to be impossible.

Find out what all the buzz is about!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Book of Ivy by Amy Engel

The Book of Ivy

by Amy Engel

Giveaway ends November 04, 2014.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

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