Ready to discover who’s being daring on Flaunt?

Are you ready for yet another sneak peak at Entangled Publishing’s brand new, sexy novella line, FLAUNT?

Here is a first look at If You Dare by Jessica Lemmon, one of the super sexy Flaunt titles that will release on Monday, November 25th.


Lily McIntire is tired of losing every office wager to her overly cocky—and yeah, devilishly handsome—coworker, Marcus Black. After a few too many tequila shots, and a taunt from Marcus that she’s a wuss, Lily lays down a bet he can’t refuse: One night in the abandoned and spooky Willow Mansion alone for his recent office win, a trip to Hawaii.


There’s only one thing Marcus wants more than his upcoming vacation to Hawaii, it’s to take his sexy coworker on a real date. Every time he’s tried to get close to her, she’s shut him down cold. Too bad the sexual tension just keeps climbing the charts. Now, he’ll have to scare her out of the mansion if he has any chance of going out on a real date with her any time soon.


But in between trying to scare Lily out of her pants and get his hands into them, Marcus realizes there’s more to Willow Mansion than either of them counted on. Suddenly, it’s not just he and Lily that are going “bump in the night”.  If they manage to survive the night and escape the mansion unscathed, can they survive each other in the light of day? Or will what happens at Willow Mansion stay at Willow Mansion?

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Be sure to stay tuned all week to find out which sexy novellas will join this one on the exciting new Flaunt line.  And to ensure you are always the first to know about what’s new on Flaunt:

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And don’t forget to enter the SEXY giveaway that Entangled Publishing is hosting in honor of this fabulous new line!

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