Behind the book with David Gandy …we mean Rachel Lyndhurst

David Gandy and Rachel Lyndhurst1 (6)A few years ago, at the Goodwood Festival of Speed in England, I met male supermodel David Gandy. Yes, him. A dream come true in spite of me suffering the worst bad hair day EVER. He was incredibly nice about it all – especially the verbal gushing that I found myself doing. Anyway, once the poor man escaped, I was on an amazing high, sipping champagne and inhaling supercar fumes and thinking … This was too good an experience to waste, I needed to use it! Mr Gandy was perfect hero material. And thus the seed for Sicilian Engagement was sown.

Originally the book opened at the festival but this never made it to the final cut, however my utterly gorgeous Sicilian businessman, Lorenzo Ferrante did. All dark hair, sharp bone structure, piercing blue eyes and a body to die for, writing him was pure pleasure. I hope my readers enjoy him too!

Sicilian Engagement still only 99¢ at select retailers!

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1 Reply on Behind the book with David Gandy …we mean Rachel Lyndhurst

  • OMG! I am every shade of green with envy!
    I am a huge David Gandy fan. HUGE…over 6 feet with heels on. LOL!
    This is such a fun story. If only! Tell me how you did it!
    Can’t wait to read the book!

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