Behind the Book with Amy Andrews

NMMrNG_500A lot of an author’s personal stuff goes into their books. Even without noticing it, without being aware of it, it happens.  A little bit here, a little bit there. It sneaks in. In fact, it often takes other people who know you well, to point it out before you even realise it.

Having said that, let me just state for the record, that I have never written a sex list. Never.  I don’t have a problem with sex lists and hell, if I was single again and not getting what I wanted in that department, I know for sure my best friend would get me drunk and make me write one.

But Josie is not me. For all those friends of mine and the readers out there who are going to be reading it and wondering – Josie is not me. K?

And in fact, the list which forms the premise for the book wasn’t even the inspiration for it.

The inspiration for No More Mr Nice Guy actually came from the title itself. And that doesn’t happen often for me. Normally the title is something that evolves during the writing of the book. But not this time. This time I had that damn phrase rattling around in my head from I don’t know where but it wouldn’t quit. And I knew the more it mulled around up there that I wanted to take a man who was the proverbial nice, sweet, good guy and goad him into being just a little bit bad.  I wanted him to make the decision out loud that he wasn’t going to be the nice guy any longer.

And then along came Mack.  Happy sigh. That man took what I wanted to do with such a character and he blew it out of the water.  He was so damn up for it he was an absolute pleasure to write. He was exactly what Josie needed. What she really needed. See, she thought she needed a bad boy but Mack showed her just how bad nice boys could be.

Best. Sex. Ever.


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