Lovestruck Blog Takeover, day one with Tawna Fenske!

FfH_500There are many important questions a romance author must ponder when she sits down to craft her next story. Like what’s the best way to remove fur from cat testicles? And what steps would you follow to perform intestinal surgery on a large dog while wearing a wedding gown? And how do you treat a prolapsed lizard penis?


Okay, maybe not all romance authors ponder those questions. It’s possible most romantic comedy authors don’t even ponder them, which is a shame. I know I had a lot of fun researching those topics and more when I wrote my brand new rom-com release, Fiancée for Hire.


Just so you don’t think I’m a raging pervert, allow me to explain.


Fiancée for Hire is the story of a feisty veterinarian named Kelli who agrees to act as a fake fiancée for her best friend’s older brother, Mac. It’s part of Mac’s cover for a top-secret weapons deal he’s negotiating in Mexico, and Kelli goes along with the plan for the opportunity to seduce Mac and run a volunteer spay/neuter clinic (which, come to think of it, is kinda the same thing).


The book is one of the launch titles for Entangled Publishing’s new Lovestruck line, and it’s the second book in my Front & Center series (though I swear you won’t get confused if you read this one before its predecessor, Marine for Hire. Well, no more confused than you’d ordinarily be while reading one of my books).


Along with plenty of saucy sexytimes and witty banter, Fiancée for Hire contains a number of scenes designed to provoke laughter and show Kelli in her veterinary element. Enter my awesome vet, Dr. Emily Bemrose. Wait, don’t enter her. That’s rude and a little creepy.


I’m not doing very well on dispelling the pervert notion, am I?


At any rate, my awesome vet answered all my questions and proofread my scenes without batting an eyelash. In case you’re wondering, cat nards are plucked, rather than shaved (the fur just pulls right out), the wedding dress would be mostly covered up by a full surgical gown, and the prolapsed lizard penis requires sugar, some KY Jelly, and a few stitches.

To learn more about it (as well as how Mac and Kelli get from “hell no, I’m never getting hitched” to “wanna live happily ever after?” grab a copy of Fiancée for Hire right here.

And don’t try any of that stuff at home, okay?




Get Lovestruck today!  Click on the covers for more information. Special introductory price, just 99¢ each for the first week of release!!!


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1 Reply on Lovestruck Blog Takeover, day one with Tawna Fenske!

  • I just about died reading about what steps to follow to “perform intestinal surgery on a large dog while wearing a wedding gown? And how do you treat a prolapsed lizard penis?” and “cat nards are plucked, rather than shaved (the fur just pulls right out).” I’d like to see anyone just pluck hairs out from there without getting cat maimed. Your vet really didn’t bat an eyelash? How about a few snickers? This book is definitely going on my wishlist. Thank you for the laughs today 🙂 Sugar, lol.

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