It’s a blog TAKE OVER with Aubrie Dionne!

9781937044022_coverWe love Aubrie Dionne, the New Dawn Novels, space operas, and burning questions that make us think. Today we’re kicking off a series of posts by the amazing Aubrie Dionne. Yes, you got that right, Aubrie Dionne is taking over our blog for the next week!

Book one in the New Dawn series, Paradise 21, is on sale for 99¢ until June 29th, so grab it while you can!  And read on to find out how Aubrie’s mind works, and tell us what you think will happen if the sun were to burn out.


And now, here’s Aubrie…


What will happen when our sun dies out?
I’ve always been a worry wart, and ever since I was little I’ve had a strange concern at the back of my mind for those people born on Earth when our sun starts to die out.
I know it’s millions of years from now, but basically, if humans are still alive, it would suck. They’d hear about all the thousands of years people had to enjoy life, and they’d be stuck with the short end of the stick. I’d like to think that humans will live on when Earth dies, and that was where the idea for Paradise 21 came from. In Paradise 21, humans have ruined the Earth long before the sun will burn out. They haven’t perfected cryogenic sleep, so the only way to reach another life sustaining planet is to live on the colony ships, producing generations of astronauts in deep space. Not only would they have to share the same vision as the founders of the mission, but they’d have to watch out for inbreeding because only so many boodlines can fit on each ship.
What if someone became disillusioned with the process?
What if they didn’t like their computer designated mate?
That’s where I got Aries. And that’s where Paradise 21 begins…
My question to you is: Have you ever thought about the sun burning out and what would happen to life on Earth?

More about Paradise 21

More about Aubrie Dionne

Entangled’s Space Opera novels

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