International Author Catherine Hemmerling Shares Her Favorite Things With a Givewaway!

THFE_cover-FINAL3-500Taming Her Forbidden Earl is being translated and sold in Greece! To celebrate, Catherine is giving away an awesome gift basket filled with some of her favorite things! Here is a message from Catherine describing her basket:
For my basket, I decided to stick to a look and feel. I wanted things that were romantic and evoked the nostalgia of an earlier time. The color scheme, therefore, is antique gold, cream, and tan. I’ve included a cloche hat, cream with gold pin, that is reminiscent of the 1920’s. There are also a set of cards that can be used for thank you notes and to remember special occasions. I think card writing and letter writing is a lost art, so hopefully these cards and the pen I also provided will inspire the winner to send a note to someone special. In addition, you will find a very unique scarf in the coordinating colors and some whimsical book marks (I do write books after all … must support the reading of them, mustn’t I?). There is a set of handmade jewelry, also in gold and cream, and a gift card to Amazon (buy more books!) to complete the basket. I truly enjoyed putting the gift basket together and personal would love to have everything inside it. I hope the lucky winner feels the same way. Good Luck!

Catherine has also decided to share her top ten favorite movies with you:
10 Working Girl
9 Jane Eyre
8 Dirty Dancing
7 The Breakfast Club
6 The Princess Bride
5 Shawshank Redemption
4 Love Actually
3 Regarding Henry
2 Renaissance Man
1 Rudy

Now on to the fun part, how to win the basket! The Rafflecopter below gives you several options to enter! Earn one entry for sharing your favorite movie in the comments, two for ‘Liking” Catherine’s Facebook page, two for following her on Twitter and three for sharing this post!
Contest ends on May 6!

Here is the basket you can win from Catherine!
Here is the basket you can win from Catherine!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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4 Replies on International Author Catherine Hemmerling Shares Her Favorite Things With a Givewaway!

  • I actually had to sit and think about this. I even called my bestie. However, I’m going with my favorite musical “Newsies” because that movie is what spawned my obsessive, reading, fangirling and writing. Sieze the day and Happy Reading!

  • I love so many movies but the newer is “PS I Love You”, and an older one is with my hero John Wayne, “The Quiet Man”.

  • My fav movie is Avatar, tho The Sound of Music is a perennial favourite. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve watched it.

  • Hmmm…favorite movie! I’ve got a lot of them, including Dirty Dancing. One romantic movie that I particularly like is While You Were Sleeping.

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