Behind the Book with Diana Quincy

When I finally got “the call” that all authors dream of, it was actually two calls. Astoundingly, after my fair share of rejection, there were suddenly two offers of publication on the table.

The first came from one of the most established names in romance publishing, offering a book deal with their digital imprint. This was a publisher that I could never, in my wildest dreams, ever imagine turning down. I had admired the company for a long time and was a huge fan of the smart, savvy editor who made the offer.

But there was that second offer to consider. It was from an innovative, upstart publisher that had barely been around for a year. Few people outside of publishing knew the name, but I had been paying attention. Entangled was making waves in the industry. Huge waves.

Its  visionary publisher had come up with a business model that filled the gap between self- and traditional publishing. Entangled offered authors the majority of the profits on their books, without sacrificing top-quality editors, marketing or great covers. It seemed to be working; a number of Entangled’s books were hitting the bestseller lists.

After weighing the pros and cons, I signed with Entangled’s Scandalous imprint. Seducing Charlotte, the first book in my Regency series, The Accidental Peers, came out in April 2013. Two more books, Tempting Bella and Compromising Willa followed. The fourth book in the series, Engaging the Earl, will be out this summer.

Through it all, I’ve been guided by some of the best professionals in the business, including my fantastic editors, who never fail to make my books better. The publisher, Liz Pelletier, also offers informative continuing education workshops for all of her authors.  In 2014, Entangled specialists will work with its authors on branding.

No, it’s not perfect. There have been some bumps in the road. But overall, I love that I am not on my own. Everyone at Entangled who works on my books has a financial stake in their success. In other words, they’ve got skin in the game.

We’re all in it together and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


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