Bliss Kiss and Tell with Blake Buchanan from Tangling with the CEO

Bliss Kiss and Tell

Welcome to the Bliss Kiss and Tell Booth where you will get to meet the heroes from our Bliss books and get a taste of what kissing them is like.

Today we are welcoming Blake Buchanan from Annie Seaton’s Tangling with the CEO.

Tangling With The CEO Annie Seaton

Name: Blake Buchanan

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Hazel

Profession: CEO of Home and Hardware

Hometown: I just moved back to San Francisco and am commuting to Half Moon Bay down Highway 1.

Biggest regret: Losing touch with Anastasia when she disappeared after we had a night of gentle passion together at college.

Favorite dessert/food: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

Favorite pasttime/hobby: Having picnics on the beach

Biggest phobia: I’m afraid of heights. *shudder*

Craziest thing you have done: Climbed onto a roof to propose

Favorite sports team: San Francisco 49ers…because Ana follows them!

Chunky peanut butter or smooth? Smooth

How can we not love a guy who overcomes his fear of heights to propose to the woman he loves? Thanks Blake for taking the time to join us today!

Check out how Annie pictures Blake:

Blake Buchanan

And you know we are all waiting for that kiss between Blake and Ana…

With a soft groan, he’d lowered his head and gently slid his lips across her cheek. “You drive me crazy, do you know that?”
With each word his mouth had gotten closer to hers until they’d hovered over her lips. “The way you walk, your voice, your laugh, that hippie perfume you wear. I can’t get you out of my head.”
She’d smiled at him and eased her arms from his loose grasp, taking his face between her hands. “I can’t stop thinking about you either,” she’d whispered. “And I’m sorry I called you a sexist pig.”
That first kiss they’d shared on the front porch had been slow and soft. The fresh smell of his sweatshirt had surrounded her as he’d held her close and to this day, the fragrance of clean washing reminded her of that first kiss. The feel of Blake’s warm mouth on hers was everything she’d dreamed of, and she’d closed her eyes as a delicious languor drifted through her.

If you want to read more pick up Tangling with the CEO today.

About the book:
Mixing business with pleasure never felt so right.
Blake Buchanan and Anastasia Delaney were roommates in college and could never see eye to eye about anything. The only time their walls came down was during one night of passion before Ana left without a word, never expecting to cross paths with Blake again.
Years later, Blake has made his millions. He comes back to Ana’s small California town to manage a corporate takeover that will close down the home restoration business she’s poured her heart and soul into. The fiery Ana is determined to convince money-minded Blake of her business’s worth, but when a family emergency throws them together, their walls come tumbling down once again…
Problem is, Blake’s business-first position hasn’t changed. And Ana can’t fall for the man who could become her boss—it’s not only her job at stake, but her heart.


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