CHAIN OF ILLUSIONS, the third novel in Boone Brux’s Bringer and the Bane series, is here!



Chain of Illusions

by Boone Brux

Amazon | Barnes and Noble

Rell has lived in the Shadow World for thirteen years as a Demon Bane, the formerly vivacious young woman now the demonic enemy of the immortal Bringers. But when she is given the chance to become human again—and a full-powered Bringer—Rell isn’t sure if it’s better to be a demon in the Shadow World or to risk her life for her humanity.

For two years, Siban had been tortured in the Bane prison, only to fall in love with the beautiful demon who helped him escape. Tormented by the thought of never seeing her again, he maintains a life of solitude. So, when Rell’s human body is rescued from the Shadow World, he will do anything to be with her—even if it means challenging death to become a Bringer, too.

But once their Bringer transformations and training are completed, Siban and Rell must join a mission to go deep in the Shadow World to rescue others trapped by the Demon Bane King. And what they discover destroys everything they knew about the Demon Bane. The lovers must learn to trust themselves, each other, and their new powers if they’re going to make it out alive.

Are you ready for more pulse-pounding action, captivating world-building and toe-curling romance from Boone? There’s all that and more in her latest release, CHAIN OF ILLUSIONS. If you haven’t already, grab your copy now!

Follow the official blog tour for reviews, exclusive excerpts, interviews and more!

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Monday, December 2, 2013
Authors’ Cafe {Author Interview with Review & Giveaway}
Laurie’s Paranormal Thoughts and Reviews {Author Interview & Giveaway}
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
WordWranglers {Author Interview & Giveaway}
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Writerly Ramblings {Guest Post & Giveaway}
You Gotta Read Reviews {Author Interview & Giveaway}
Thursday, December 5, 2013
For Whom The Books Toll {Author Interview & Giveaway}
Kristina Knight, Romance Author {Author Interview & Giveaway}
Friday, December 6, 2013
Romance Me {Guest Post & Giveaway}
Monday, December 9, 2013
Talk Supe {Guest Post with Review & Giveaway}
Musings and Ramblings {Guest Post & Giveaway}
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Paranormal Dimensions {Guest Post with Review & Giveaway}
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
What Readers Want {Guest Post with Review & Giveaway}
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Amberkatze’s Book Blog {Guest Post & Giveaway}
Friday, December 13, 2013
Finding Fantastical Books {Guest Post with Review & Giveaway}
Monday, December 16, 2013
Diane’s Book Blog {Author Interview & Giveaway}
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Paranormal Realms {Guest Post with Review & Giveaway} 
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
The Realm of Fantasy and Fiction {Guest Post & Giveaway}
Thursday, December 19, 2013
M.J. Schiller, Romance Author {Guest Post & Giveaway}
Friday, December 20, 2013
Secret Southern Couture {Guest Post with Review & Giveaway}
Book Bliss  {Guest Post with Review & Giveaway}

Boone Brux’s writing drips with experiences from real life. Addicted to anything that might make a good story, she weaves tales ranging from dark fantasy to humorous romance. Settled in the icy regions of Alaska with the love of her life and twin daughters, it’s not uncommon to find her tapping away on her iPad on a windy beach or the barren tundra. Be warned, everyone is fodder for one of Boone’s novels.

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