Love prevails in Emma Shortt’s new Post-Apocalyptic Romance novel, WAKING UP DEAD

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Love prevails in Emma Shortt’s new Post-Apocalyptic Romance novel, WAKING UP DEAD 

Zombies have appeared in fictional genres from horror to post-apocalyptic to mysteries, but they’re rarely seen in romance. So we’re particularly thrilled to bring this thrilling new novel to readers. If you’re a fan of  Amanda Hocking’s HOLLOWLAND, Isaac Marion’s WARM BODIES, or AMC’s The Walking Dead then we bet you’ll tear through this novel, rooting for Jackson and Luke’s love to survive despite the odds being stacked against them. In a time when zombies rule and humans are almost extinct, Jackson Hart and Luke Granger have no choice but to undertake a desperate journey for survival. In a road-trip romance for the ages they discover that even as you fight for survival there’s always time for sex…and even love.

Fans in the U.K. can meet up with Emma during the official release tour:

  • October 26, 2013 at BRISTOLCON: Emma will participate in panels, read excerpts and sign copies of WAKING UP DEAD. Get more information at
  • October 27, 2013 at SCARDIFF 2013: Emma will participate in a panel and host a coffee time chat for fans. Find out more at
  • November 23-24, 2013 at MCM BIRMINGHAM COMIC CON:  Find Emma during the convention in the dealer hall. Visit for more information.

The blog tour for WAKING UP DEAD will also be kicking off on November 4th. There will be interviews, guest posts, reviews, and prizes! Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to meet the author, learn about this new novel, and get some goods!


Tour Stops

11/4: Guest blog – Musings of Mistress of the Dark
11/4: Guest blog – So Much to Write
11/5: Interview – Fantasy Book Addict
11/5: Spotlight – Black Words-White Pages
11/6: Spotlight – Deb Sanders
11/6: Spotlight – fuonlyknew
11/7: Review – Nicky Peacock Author
11/7: Spotlight – Share My Destiny
11/8: Spotlight – Pure Textuality
11/11: Interview – Books Direct
11/11: Spotlight – Mythical Books
11/12: Guest blog – Ex Libris
11/12: Spotlight – Cover Reveals
11/13: Guest blog – My Tangled Skeins Book Reviews
11/13: Spotlight – Tattooed Book Review
11/14: Recipe and Review – CABIN GODDESS 
11/14: Spotlight – Adrienne Woods Books and Reviews
11/15: Interview – Mom With A Kindle
11/15: Interview – Pembroke Sinclair
11/18: Guest blog and Review – Sun Mountain Reviews
11/18: Spotlight and Review – Wicca Witch 4 Book Blog


About the book:

Waking Up Dead

An End of Days Love novel by Emma Shortt

You know your life has hit rock bottom when you’re living off cooked rats and showering once every few months—if you’re lucky. But for Jackson Hart things are about to get a whole lot worse. When her best friend, Tye, disappears hunting for food, kick-ass Jackson’s ‘head south to safety’ plan looks like it’s dead before it’s even begun. But then she meets ex-mechanic Luke Granger, who takes her to his bunker, feeds her with non-rat based food, and offers her protection against the zombie hordes—not that she needs it. She knows how to use a machete and isn’t afraid to.

Jackson was tempted to stay in the city with her rescuer. Food, shampoo and the possibility of finally getting laid, what more could she ask for? But the flesh eaters are getting smarter and the bunker is compromised, so Jackson and Luke have no choice but to make the journey south.

Luke and Jackson team up to find other humans in a road-trip romance for the ages. They travel for thousands of miles with zombies shadowing their every move. They must utilize every resource at their disposal…and then some. On the way, they discover that even if flesh eating zombies are knocking down their door, there’s always time for sex and even love.


About the Author:


Emma Shortt

As a kid Emma wanted to be an astronaut, or maybe Captain Janeway. Because she didn’t really think her career choices through very well she ended up in an everyday geek job, crunching numbers and sighing over syntax. It seemed a long way from the stars and in an effort to escape Emma decided to get serious about her other passion. Writing.

Several years later and Emma has yet to walk on the moon or sit in the Captain’s chair, but she is still writing. She scribbles stories in all sorts of genres, contemporary, paranormal, post-apocalyptic, historical, sci-fi…if she hasn’t tried it yet she will before long. The only common theme is the romance. A hopeless romantic everything Emma writes has a love story in there somewhere.

She lives on the west coast of England with her very Greek husband and teenage kiddos. Apart from all things geek reading is her main hobby and she likes nothing better than getting home from a hard day at work and curling up with a book, though sometimes she gets home and writes one instead.

Follow the Author!

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Title: Waking Up Dead (An End of Days Love novel)
Author: Emma Shortt
Genre: Post-Apocolyptic Romance
Length: 388 pages
Release Date: October 22, 2013
Print ISBN: 978-1-62266-035-3
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-62266-034-6
Imprint: Entangled Select


About Author

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