Straight Talk with Kimberly Lang

Please welcome Kimberly Lang, one of the authors of When Honey Got Married, for a little bit of Straight Talk!


When you are getting ready to start a new book, what’s the first thing you do?

Stock up on the essentials – jelly beans, Diet Coke, lip balm and a new notebook to make notes and keep ideas in.

How do you celebrate when you finish writing a book?

I have a special song and dance I do after I hit “send” on a manuscript. If I was alone in the house when the book went off, I’ll do the song and dance again with my daughter when she gets home.

Do you usually begin a book with a character or a plot?

I normally start with a situation – a scene I know I want to write. It may not even be the opening scene. I then have to figure out what kind of people would be in such a situation and why. Grace’s story was a little different because in order to make the anthology work as a whole, we had to start from a wedding and decide on the characters. I knew Grace was the wedding planner before I knew anything else about her. I went from there. It was new for me, but I had a good time with it!

Do you have any hobbies or special interests you’d care to share?

I teach yoga-based fitness and I’ve recently started ballroom dance lessons.  Writing is such a sedentary job and I really like – and need – some physical activity.

How difficult is it for you to come up with a title for your books?

Ridiculously difficult. Heck, I don’t normally title my books at all because I’m so bad at it! But, I actually came up with the title When Honey Got Married… in addition to the title of my story and it’s the first time I’ve ever kept a title. I’m pretty pleased and excited that the others loved it.

What jobs have you had on your way to becoming a writer?

I have an English degree, so I had a long career in the food service industry. I’ve worked for non-profits (which I loved) and taught English to college students (which I didn’t like at all). And I even worked for NASA, which was very cool.

Are you a pantser or a plotter?

Normally, I’m a pantser, but I had to come up with a basic plot in advance this time in order to make sure I had a story that would work with the others. It was a new experience for me!

Where does the magic happen?  Where do you write?

I can write anywhere, as long as it’s quiet. I simply can’t concentrate if there’s music or conversations going on. But you’ll usually find me at my desk in my office or in the recliner in the living room on my laptop.  As long as it’s quiet and I have my jelly beans, Diet Coke and lip balm, I’m good to go!

Aside from writing, what do you do in your free time?

I do yoga-based fitness and recently started ballroom lessons, so I practice both of those in my free time.  I read, I watch crime dramas, and I travel when I can.

Do you prefer print books or eBooks?

I’m happy either way. Format isn’t important to me if it’s a good book. (I do like ebooks, though, when I travel.  I’m a very fast reader, so my Kindle keeps my luggage lightweight.)


About the Book: When Honey Got Married

HoneyCoverFour high school friends and a high society bride reunite to celebrate the wedding of the year with the sexy, successful men who steal their hearts and set their skin aflame…

A wedding planner should never mix business and pleasure, but Grace couldn’t resist breaking rule number one for a hot night with her high school crush!

Eve hoped to make one last play for the groom-who-got-away…but instead the down-on-her-romantic-luck actress instead found herself in dark corners with his successful, seductive cousin.

The sister of the bride needed a date of convenience and who better than her hazel-eyed, mysterious co-worker? If only Nina could keep her hands off his perfect body until she learned his true identity…

The groom proposed to her eight years earlier, but it was the steamy kiss that Pippa shared with his brother the night she left town that haunted her memories. Now she’s back and sharing much more than just kisses.

Nothing was going to ruin Honey’s wedding to the man of her dreams.  And she has just the wedding surprise for her beloved groom!

Title: When Honey Got Married (Anthology)

Author: Kimberly Lang, Anna Cleary, Kelly Hunter, and Ally Blake

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Length: 277 pages

Release Date: May 2013

Imprint: Indulgence


About Author

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