Cover Love: Gambling on Love by Nancy Fraser and Patti Shenberger

We’re so excited to share with you all the cover of Gambling on Love by Nancy Fraser and Patti Shenberger! Gambling on Love releases from the Scandalous imprint on May 20th!

About Gambling on Love by Nancy Fraser and Patti Shenberger

Mississippi after the Civil War isn’t easy when you’re a willful young lady nor if you’re a slave, and Felicity is determined to make their lives better. She devises a plan to move her father’s illegally indentured workers North. After conning Jake McCade, the owner of the gambling river boat known as the River Maiden, into helping her, she, disguised as a boy, accompanies her slaves. Everything is going according to plan until Jake gets a little too close and discovers her subterfuge.

While Jake and Felicity find themselves in agreement about helping the slaves, they are at odds over everything else, including their quickly escalating feelings for one another.

When her father catches up to them, it’s either marriage or jail for Jake, so they decide to chance the wedding –for propriety’s sake. Will gambling on love be a bust or reap a happily ever after?

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