Straight Talk with Victoria Vane

Victoria Vane We’re excited to welcome Victoria Vane for a little bit of Straight Talk!

How do you celebrate when you finish writing a book?

 I sleep and do my laundry! LOL!  I also try to read a book or two before beginning my next project. 

Do you usually begin a book with a character or a plot?

The basic plot idea usually comes first, but occasionally I have used something I have read about a historical character, that has served to mold my characters and story. This was the case with TREACHEROUS TEMPTATIONS.  My lead characters of Hadley and Mary are loosely modeled after two real people who lived in the era in which the story is set. (Philip, 1st Duke of Wharton, and a real heiress names Mary Edwardes.) I used some real events from their lives in my story such as the South Sea Bubble and the Jacobite intrigue. The rest is fiction.

Do you have any hobbies or special interests you’d care to share?

 Absolutely! Other than reading and writing, I am an avid horse lover. I have owned over a dozen of them in my life, have trained them, shown them, and have taught all of my family to ride. I also play the Celtic harp.

What was the inspiration for your book?

The story of Treacherous Temptations is very much an homage to the popular novels written in the 18th century, in which virtue vs. vice and the seduction of an innocent were popular themes.  Pamela and Clarissa Harlowe by Samuel Richardson are two good examples that served as inspiration, as well as by the film Dangerous Liaisons. Readers will see a good bit of similarity between my characters Lady Blanchard and Lord Hadley compared to the machinating Marquise de Meurteil and the rakish Vicomte Valmont from D.L.

How difficult is if for you to come up with a title for your books?

I have a terrible time coming up with catchy titles. That’s where a great marketing department comes in!

Are you a pantster or a plotter?

Absolutely a panster. When finished, most of my stories bear little resemblance to my original synopsis!

Who are your favorite authors? What authors have influenced your book?

I have many favorite authors, and they tend to change according to my moods, but all write historicals. Georgette Heyer will probably always be my favorite for her unparalleled wit.

Aside from writing, what do you do in your free time?

I walk my dog. I ride my horse. Spend time with my family. I am pretty much a home body.

Do you prefer print books or eBooks?

I have recently come to appreciate the sheer convenience and lower price of e-books.

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Victoria will be participating in 5 Scandalous Nights from March 18 to March 22. Stop by the Scandalous Facebook page to win prizes and get to know our Scandalous authors.

About Treacherous Temptations

Treacherous Temptations by Victoria Vane

A reluctant heiress resigned to her fate…

Mary Elizabeth Edwardes has one of the largest fortune’s in England, but has no desire to leave her quiet country existence… and even less to acquire a husband she cannot choose for herself.

A dissolute nobleman bent on retribution…

Trapped in a duplicitous existence since scandal destroyed his fortune and family name, Lord Hadley Blanchard has spent the better part of a decade posing as a disaffected exile while spying and seducing in the service of the English Crown.

A dangerous game of seduction, and intrigue…

When summoned from abroad by a former lover, Lord Hadley perceives an opportunity for vengeance at last. By employing the full measure of his seductive charm, he woos the ward of the man who destroyed his life, little knowing that winning Mary’s fortune will mean risking his own treacherous heart.


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