Five Scandalous Nights

fivescandalousnights3We’re inviting you to join Entangled for Five Scandalous Nights! The event starts March 18th and runs until March 22nd, so make sure you’re stopping by the Scandalous Facebook page every night to join in!

We’ll be discussing all sorts of historical fiction goodness like favourite heroes and villains. And our Scandalous authors will be popping in to chat with readers! You can expect to see appearances from Robyn DeHart, Catherine Hemmerling, Marcie Kremer, Michelle McLean, Victoria Vane.

And of course there will be giveaways! We’ll be giving out giftcards, swag, and more throughout the week.

So don’t miss out! Five Scandalous Nights will be held on our Scandalous Facebook page from March 18th until the 22nd.

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