33 Valentines in April Mini-tour!


Stephanie Monahan is pleased to announce her 2nd Blog Tour for 33 Valentines!  With giveaways, interviews, guests post and more!  Please join her April 8th through April 19th, for a fast world wind trip around the web!  Blog Tour stops listed below with links to the websites.  Come join the fun where Valentines Day is every day!


We’ve snuck in an extra day–early!

4/5/13 Flutey Words

4/8/13 Chicklit Reviews

4/10/13 Babs Book Bistro Blog Talk Radio **7:00pm est

4/11/13 Love N. Books

4/15/13 The Phantom Paragrapher

4/16/13 Entangled Publishing

4/17/13 Chick Lit +

4/18/13  Storeybook Reviews


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