Wish List: June 2012 Edition

Wish lists are back! If you’re wondering what our editors are hoping to see in their inboxes then take a look.


As always, please do not query more than one editor within a specific a line (Entangled, Indulgence, Dead Sexy, Flirts, Ever Afters, Brazen, Covet, and Bliss) with your project at a time. Always refer to our submission guidelines for specific instructions.


Stacy Abrams and her Associates (Entangled, Flirts/Ever Afters, Bliss) want to see:

For the Entangled line:

  • Any different kind of women’s fiction, a la Jennifer Weiner, Jodi Picoult, or Nora Roberts
  • Friendship fiction, like THE DIVINE SECRETS OF THE YA-YA SISTERHOOD, with series potential and a wide cast of characters
  • Adult or YA novels that are high on suspense, tension, mystery, adventure: high stakes, fast-paced. Could involve a sleuth or a heist or identity theft, missing persons, witness protection, etc.
  • YA historical, but only if it’s very high concept and has a commercial hook
  • YA genre mash-ups: anything that combines genres in a unique and clever way
  • YA paranormal, but only if it’s a unique take not already done before

For the Flirts/Ever Afters line:

  • A horror novella series: something with the psychological creativity of the PARANORMAL ACTIVITY movies, but still with a romance (doesn’t need to be super front-and-center)

For the Bliss line:

  • Anything starring a sexy cowboy/ranch setting, or starring a hero in the military!
  • Friends-to-lovers trope
  • Past relationship/love reunited story
  • Valentine’s Day stories

Submissions for Stacy can be sent directly to stacy (at) entangledpublishing (dot) com. Check out our Entangled, Flirt, Ever After, and Bliss Submission Guidelines  for specific instructions! 


Heather Howland  (Entangled, Brazen) wants to see:

  • Sexy contemporary romance for the Brazen imprint to be released in 2012. Would especially love to see more of the intimate strangers, revenge, enemies-to-lovers, and best-friends-to-lovers tropes. Submission guidelines can be found here.
  • Intense YA thriller that’ll keep me reading late into the night. Bonus points if I’m freaked out enough to make my husband stay up with me! Strong romantic elements required.
  • A dark, gritty paranormal romance series that’s hero-focused. Think the Black Dagger Brotherhood, Larissa Ione’s Demonica and Lords of Deliverance series, and Gena Showalter’s Lords of the Underworld, but with an interesting twist we’ve not seen before.
  • Contemporary YA romance reminiscent of Stephanie Perkins’ LOLA AND THE BOY NEXT DOOR, and Jennifer Echol’s FORGET YOU and GOING TOO FAR

Submissions for Heather can be sent directly to heather (at) entangledpublishing (dot) com. Check out our Entangled and Brazen Submission Guidelines for specific instructions! 


Liz Pelletier  (Covet) wants to see:

  • I’d love to see a dark, tortured hero (vamp/demon) and a tough heroine who isn’t afraid to stand up to him.
  • A marriage of convenience between two warring sanctions of a species – vamp/werewolf, vamp/demon, fallen angel/fairy.
  • Enemies to lovers – vampire style. Let the bickering begin.
  • Light and funny paranormal – Van Helsing meets 27 dresses.
  • Forbidden love. Human/vampire, demon/human. Stakes in this story should be high – life or death if the two should succumb to the sexual tension pulling them together.

Submissions for Liz can be sent directly to liz (at) entangledpublishing (dot) com. Check out our Covet submission guidelines for specific instructions! 


Libby Murphy (Entangled, Indulgence) wants to see:

Indulgences with strong, trope-driven conflict and witty banter between the hero and heroine written in a fresh, fun voice. Humor with a good dose of emotion are essential to all submissions. Tropes I’d especially love to see are enemies to lovers, blackmail, and a relationship centered around a bet. Heroes I’d love to see (and this goes for any of our imprints!) are geeks, athletes (especially hockey), adrenaline junkies, and bad boys. Heroines should be strong enough to go head to head with the hero, and can definitely be quirky (I’m still holding out hope for a Bridget Jones meets Indiana Jones story!).

For the main line I’m like to see more high concept contemporary romance, humorous cozy mysteries, and women’s fiction with strong romantic elements. Young adult submissions also be high concept, and I’m interested in contemporaries, mysteries, and protagonists who live in our world but are thrust into a paranormal world.

Submissions for Libby can be sent directly to libby (at) entangledpublishing (dot) com. Check out our Entangled and Indulgence Submission Guidelines for specific instructions! 


Kerri-Leigh Grady (Flirts & Ever Afters) wants to see:

  • Smart romantic comedy, 10k-60k words
  • Romantic horror/paranormal thriller, 10k-40k words
  • Regency romance, 10k-40k words
  • Super smexy romance with a marriage of convenience, best friends to lovers, or enemies to lovers trope, 45k-65k words
  • I’d love to see a protector/special forces romance, where he’s assigned to (protect/assassinate/whatever!) a demon/angel/sylph/whatever, a marriage of convenience with a paranormal twist, a friends-to-lovers story with two humans fighting a zombie invasion, etc., 55k-70k words

Submissions for Kerri-Leigh can be sent directly to kerri-leigh (at) entangledpublishing (dot) com. Check out our Flirt and Ever After Submission Guidelines for specific instructions!


Alethea Spiridon-Hopson (Indulgence) wants to see:

I’d love to see a political scandal story, a revenge plot, and a matchmaking storyline. Dynamic, charismatic heroes and heroines with chemistry that crackles is what I love best. Send me a hero I can’t refuse!

Submissions for Alethea can be sent directly to alethea (at) entangledpublishing (dot) com. Check out our Indulgence submission guidelines for specific instructions! 


Adrien-Luc Sanders (Flirts & Ever Afters) wants to see:

All with HEA or HFN endings with series potential: 

  • Chilling horror with a romantic twist;
  • Mainstream stories featuring LGBT and POC characters in prominent roles without being caricatures, stereotypes, or niche ethnic fiction;
  • Futuristic steampunk with a hard sci-fi slant;
  • Twisted, gritty, entirely messed-the-hell up contemporaries that aren’t afraid to show the uglier sides of human nature, as long as they find redemption and romance.

Submission for Adrien can be sent directly to adrien-luc (at) entangledpublishing (dot) com. Check out our Flirt and Ever After submission guidelines for specific instructions! 


Ruth Homrighaus (Indulgence) wants to see:

  • More funny books with strong tropes. Can I have a hilarious Vegas marriage of convenience, please?
  • Cowboys, cowboys, cowboys
  • Forbidden love of any sort!
  • A good falling-for-the-nanny book, contemporary or historical.
  • Road trip stories–U.S., abroad, contemporary or historical–you name it!
  • Historical submissions of all sorts, with bonus points for British empire (nineteenth-century Australia would be cool) or early-twentieth-century U.S. (think flappers, WWI or WWII, the Fifties).
  • Stories of love unrequited (and misdirected)

Submissions for Ruth can be sent directly to ruth (at) entangledpublishing (dot) com. Check out our Indulgence submission guidelines for specific instructions!


Tracy Montoya (Dead Sexy) wants to see:

fast-paced, sigh-worthy books for Dead Sexy. Anything that starts with a bang (literal or figurative) and keeps her up at night until the end qualifies! She’s also wishing for:

  • Dark, gritty stories.
  • Stories with lots of realistic forensic and/or legal detail.
  • Spies and other types of international intrigue/puzzles.
  • Reunion romances (I’m a sucker for a love-gone-wrong-gone-right-again story!)
  • Multicultural characters (and no, the Mexican drug lord with gold teeth does not count).
  • Historical suspense—the darker the better. Gail Ranstrom is a particular favorite.
  • Kick@$$ (in their own way) heroines—always.

Submissions for the Dead Sexy editors can be sent directly to deadsexy-submissions (at) entangledpublishing (dot) com ATTN: Tracy. Check out our Dead Sexy submission guidelines for specific instructions!


Rochelle French (Dead Sexy) wants to see:

  • A caper with quirky characters and a strong romance;
  • A cozy romantic mystery that starts with a bang;
  • A small town romantic thriller;
  • A romantic suspense with a strong winter holiday theme.
  • She’s always looking for intriguing, out-of-the box characters (alpha male heroes and and intelligent, spunky heroines) who find themselves entangled in traditional tropes (best friends to lovers, reunion romance, marriage of convenience, intimate strangers), while exploring the depths of the human condition as the suspense and romance build.

Submissions for the Dead Sexy editors can be sent directly to deadsexy-submissions (at) entangledpublishing (dot) com ATTN: Rochelle. Check out our Dead Sexy submission guidelines for specific instructions!


Things we aren’t likely to request for Entangled’s main imprint:

  • urban fantasy (no HEA in each book, usually follows the same heroine/hero through series)
  • women’s fiction (unless it leans heavily toward contemporary romance, like THE WHAT IF GUY)
  • chick lit (again, unless it leans heavily toward contemporary romance, like BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD)

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