Entangled Unveils New Submission Manager

Entangled has always strived to be one of the most author-friendly publishers in the industry, but in a company which has experienced phenomenally explosive growth in just over a year, this driving philosophy has faced many challenges. One of the most difficult challenges has been simply keeping up with submissions and responding in a timely manner.

With more than 33 editors and even more interns, we’ve recognized the need for a more dynamic and scalable solution. Many publishers, including Entangled, have a policy of “a rejection from one editor is a rejection from all,” but how do you know which editor is right for your story? So much depends on finding an editor who loves your voice, loves your concept, and also has an opening on her list. Many times I’ve forwarded a project to another editor because it was a great read but just didn’t connect with me as it should, only to discover it wasn’t right for that editor, either. And so the process continued, until our effort not to reject a great book left us with full inboxes and an uncertainty of exactly where a submission was and if the author had received a response.

Therefore, Entangled is excited to unveil a new, centralized submission system which allows authors to submit their query letter and full manuscript (or proposal package) via an easy-to-use web form and track the progress of their submission through a personal log in. Now all of our editors can review each submission, add personal comments or recommendations, and move it more quickly through the review process. If you have a specific editor in mind for your project, please use the “Attn” feature on the submission form. We intend to move away from emailed submissions entirely.

And even more exciting… Due to the new ease of tracking submissions through the review process, we’re able to manage our extensive submission box more efficiently and accept full manuscripts (or proposals) with your query instead of just the first five pages. This will speed up the process tremendously. Now, all submissions will receive a final decision of rejection, revise and resubmit, or offer to take to the acquisition board no later than thirty days after submission!

Our new submissions page can be found here: Submissions Page.

If you’ve already submitted but have yet to receive a response from an editor directly, please feel free to resubmit using the new system.

Agents are encouraged to use the system as well as it will be the most efficient and timely method for submission review. There is a spot to indicate agented submission.

We hope everyone is as excited by the new, streamlined system as we are!


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14 Replies on Entangled Unveils New Submission Manager

  • Wow, this is amazing! A 30 day response time is unheard of in the publishing industry. Trust Entangled to come up with this.

    I have a personal questions, however. I submitted directly to an editor on December 12, 2012. Do I now need to resubmit using this system or will I get a response in the next couple of weeks?

    Many thanks,

  • ah fabulous! Another reason to totally love Entangled. I’ve had a sub with an editor for almost 8 weeks and was asked to nudge at 4 weeks which I did, and then again at 6 weeks. Still no word, (not complaining because I know you guys must be swamped) If I can make it easier for the ed and for myself then I will definitely resub through the new system.

    What’s another 4 weeks among friends? LOL.

    One other question, I have a holiday (New Year’s) contemp erotic romance for Ever After, can I sub another novel length, say to Brazen, or Edge while waiting on the Ever After result? Or should I wait to hear back from the first one?


  • How about previous published novels? My novel was published with another company, but I have recently been offer my rights back due to a company hardship. Is this a submission you would be interested in looking at?

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