Why do fools fall in love? Some say it’s because spring is in the air, and no one can resist the lure of a hot, sexy spring fling. But what if a spring fling became more? What if that quick spark of spring romance turned into summer love, defying the odds to become something real?

Whether they’re facing the scorn of friends and family, overcoming insurmountable obstacles, or fighting their own reluctance, we want to see your budding lovers blossom into true romance. Entangled Publishing seeks submissions for the April 2012 Spring Fling collection for the Flirt line. Submissions may be in any genre Entangled acquires, but must:

  • Be 10,000 to 15,000 words in length.
  • Contain strong romantic elements.
  • Involve the story of a spring fling surviving the odds.

All heat levels will be accepted, but erotic elements must not be the main focus of the story.

Previously published material will not be considered, nor will manuscripts that have already been rejected by Entangled.

Manuscripts that have been chosen for the collection will be released as ebooks in April of 2012.

To submit a manuscript for consideration, please send the full manuscript (RTF format) and a one-page query letter briefly describing the premise, heat level, and word count to flirt-submissions(at)entangledpublishing(dot)com. Query letters should be addressed to Adrien-Luc Sanders. Please include “Spring Fling” and your title in the subject line.

Submissions are open until February 1st, 2012 and final decisions will be made by February 15th. Standard Entangled Publishing royalty rates apply.

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